I’ve made a short calculate and discovered that my total salary is about RM864 and above. Not to mention, I’ll get bonus during the Chinese New Year festival though I couldn’t spend time with the girls, but whatever. My current feeling is sort of excited and nervous. I don’t really know whether if I can overcome every consequence during work. I might get scolded or maybe encounter an embarrassing moment. We’ll see.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I’ve made a short calculate and discovered that my total salary is about RM864 and above. Not to mention, I’ll get bonus during the Chinese New Year festival though I couldn’t spend time with the girls, but whatever. My current feeling is sort of excited and nervous. I don’t really know whether if I can overcome every consequence during work. I might get scolded or maybe encounter an embarrassing moment. We’ll see.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, December 26, 2010 2 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The picture above is what we called a “leaderboard”. The leaderboard serves as a schedule indicates how long the team survives throughout the program. Well, this schedule is planned and created by George, our producer, as he showed it to us during the rehearsal. So, I copied it with Microsoft Office. I was so surprised at Leg 5, though. I think that’s a double elimination. Although the schedule says 10 legs, but I guess we probably will be away from home for more than 10 days due to travelling time (unless we lose earlier).
Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It’s time to begin a new chapter of my life for the next three months before I can get my SPM certificate. I was in a mission searching for a job a couple of days ago with several friends of mine; Jun Meng, Wen Sern, Yushen, Pai Kai and Tiong Hong, in The Mines. I’ve to say that our attempt did not fail us; all of us have found at least one job, but we still need to wait for their response though I think they won’t call us anyway. So, I guess this is just temporarily good news for us.
I’ll continue my mission in Mahkota Jusco, just in case. I don’t really mind the salary to be honest, as long as I’ve something to do rather than staying at home become mildewed like a bread, it’s fine.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, December 16, 2010 2 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2010

I don't know how to describe my current feeling in words. Sometimes i feel very excited but sometimes i don't. It's like a roller coaster, up and down repetition. I think it is because the world has lose the lively noises and activities. Everything is just the same old route as a radio with record function.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, December 12, 2010 4 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Now, my blog has consisted of 215 posts and still counting. If I despite my lousy grammar when browsing through the older posts, I would realize that I’ve put myself in a jolly life with several best friends and relatives of mine. Yes, blog is a webpage where I could trigger my mind; flashback everything from what I've attempted, both in positive and negative.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, December 09, 2010 2 comments
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Life’s Brief Candle
This afternoon, I discovered one of my favorite YouTube entertainers died from a deceased. What makes it worse is that he already ascended into heaven for almost a year, leaving me unknowingly about his loss. Until now, I still couldn’t accept the fact that he has gone, gone for eternity, no more exchanging messages habit. He seemed perfectly fine when I watch his last video where I learnt about his death through the comments. As always, showing his generous smile and happily enjoy filming himself in Japan.

Rodger Swan, died at the age of 23 in Hanamaki, Japan. I stumbled across his videos by accidentally while I was searching a video about Shenmue (an Xbox game) last year. Learning that he had several common interests with me such as loved Japanese horror movies, liked English literature, enjoyed playing Shenmue games, fond of Japanese culture including manga and anime. I quickly felt interested on his future videos after that. All of his videos dedicated to his life in Japan as an exchange student in Tokyo, later a year or two, as an English teacher of three different schools in Hanamaki. Other than that, he also did review for Japanese horror movies.
This guy DOES NOT deserve to be taken away, not in a young age nor having a pure heart. You can see him smiling all the time by watching his video and trust me; it was a natural smile. Starting from January, I never seen any new video of his pop out from my subscription and I assumed that he must be very busy. Then, the truth came out… and it is the saddest thing I ever learnt…
R.I.P Rodger Swan
If you happen to be a Japanese lover, you should watch his videos either on Yotube (simply type Tokyo Swan 1) or on his blog which can be found in my Bff's list on the right hand side.…
Today, I learnt about a young Malaysian guy who took his own life after being broke up with his girlfriend. Did I feel sorry for him? NO. I told you before; whoever commits suicide with any reason is an idiot or just a coward and not supposed to be sympathy with. Instead, I’d laugh them for choosing a real stupid decision. I can't believe that some people actually treat him like a hero. I mean, he gave up his own life just because of lost love? WHAT THE FUCK? Then what about Rodger whom trying to inspire the world but died very abruptly? Human can be real stupid sometimes..
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, December 08, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Present & Future
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, December 04, 2010 2 comments