You wouldn't believe that both of them are biological brothers. Ah Han (left, younger) & Ah Hong. Ah Han is also the newest staff who just joined in for a week)

Im not a slave!!! To a God that doesn't exist!!!
Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, February 15, 2011 1 comments
Chinese New Year of 2011 has just arrived with no excitement hitting on the street. Everyone was having their reunion dinner back at hometown while I probably the only Chinese on earth had Maggie Mee for solidarity dinner since I had work. It would be worth if I got double pay, but the fact is nope.
If I despites the disadvantage, my boss, Jason, did give each of his staff a red packet including me and Jun Meng, of course. I must say that the content inside did shock me a little, though, lol. Even though our shop was closed at 9pm. Still, we had couple of chores that need to be done before we were officially released such as; cleaning the floor and rearrange the stocks. In the end, we went back home exactly the same time as ordinary day…
I think I’ve made a right decision for taking a total of 4 days off. This means that I will be back for work by next Monday. Originally, I only tended to take 2 days off because one of my female co-workers told me that they will pay us RM100 for working in Chinese New Year festival, but only limited for the first two days. However, I had a little problem on whether wanna work as usual or not since i might head to Cameron Highland with family (which ended up cancel), taking 4 days off instead. Anyway, I am not regretted at all, I shouldn’t sacrifice my energy just because of either money or gaming console.
Happy Chinese New Year! whatever...
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, February 03, 2011 2 comments