So, yesterday was the day when we paint our class in Paris Hilton style XD i thought it must be very fun to join this activity since there were only Chinese students who volunteer to do it, but as you know, whatever you thought about it, it always end up with different ending.
I was the first person who arrived at the school at 7:30 am, the whole school was so freaking quiet as it was Sunday, all i can heard is the chipping sound from the birds, quite annoying actually. Wen Sern arrived fifteen minutes later with the other two girls who waiting the other side of the school, we wandering around to search for a stairs in order to proceed to our classroom, there was only one available stairs which the bar is unlocked near the Form 4 block.
While almost half of us has arrived, we started to move all the tables and chairs to the exterior of the classroom, the whole event was like a war, "BING BING BONG BONG", so damn noisy!! I think we did tat on purpose, lol! Some of the girls were sweeping the floor for some reasons, i mean, what's the point for sweeping it now when you already knew it will get dirty anyway after we've done our job =.=
The boys including me just wasting the time by watching some random videos from Lee Cheng's handphone, one of them is about a guy who was eaten by a tiger, but i think it's fake. We only started our job right after the girls asked us to help them to open the paint cover. Sadly, we managed to uncover one of them only while the other one we took like half and hour as it was stuck or something! We used many kind of method to open it, from empty hands to hammer to pocket knife to scissors, lol!
Mean while, the girls undertake to paint the wall in front of the classroom while the boys undertake the opposite one, it appears that we finished it more faster than them, not because we're boys, it's because they were chatting and joking around instead of working, some of them were still eating too! Im so pissed off you know. Another time was we accidentally painted the wrong place, and then they were like "@#$%^&", what's the big deal girls?? We canactually just use a wet cloth to wipe it and problem solved, you dont have to too over reacting like we've made a huge mistake =.='
Anyway, some of the boys eventually getting bored and decided to go home somehow later, leaving only 12 people (i think). Me and Wen Sern also just wandering around like return to our last year's classroom, 4A. Many memories were cherished in that class, now i truly understand why they said time is a treasure as i just wasting it like a shit! *sigh~~
Our final job (me and Wen Sern only) before going home was cleaning the lights on the ceiling, it was a little scary when you stand on a chair on a table and looking up to the ceiling, like you're about to fall down, lol! I dont really know did we really united on that day or not, i guess BIG NO....

I thought if we do this we boys can get a little bit respect but instead, we been look down more. I don't really understand those girls, while we working our a** off and they were relaxing and eating. We rest down and those girls sh*ting about us. What worse is that arrogant GWW who F*C* us all that we shouldn't come at all. Then if we don't come, let's see how they gonna finish it before 3pm since they went home around that time. The only thing I enjoy when I was there was when you and I having chatting our memories together when in 4A classroom and looking the scenary!
totally right, but not all the girls act like tat, only some of them like GWW.
Returned to 4A really makes me wanna invent a time-machine...
HAHA! Not all but especially the GWW! It's goona be wild year! XD
aiyo .. dun like that la ~ she care about the class mah but actually she kinda have problem with her attitude ~ eh ! deric .. the paris hilton style i like it ~ haha ^^
Haiz... tat day u din come only, really boring lo~~
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