For the first time ever, I finally went out with Nina, Harry and Kenneth, three of whom are one-year-younger than me. Our outing was rather simple and mostly sitting and chatting. The plan was actually much more simplify than reality as I only thought of playing Left 4 Dead 2 in CC with them. Then, we subsequently had lunch together and several additional walking around the Mahkota district.
We went to Gamer CC at around 2:30pm, we chose Gamer due to the fact that it was quiet than Mega. Moreover, Gamer has a second floor (which was closed by the time we went there), so, we kind of expected that there might be more rooms for us. Unfortunately, the longest combo seats for four people were three, which means that one of us had to sit alone. Since Kenneth wasn’t with us, yet (he had to travel on foot from Sg. Long to Mahkota), we left him alone and started the game without him. It was the first time for Nina to visit a CC and also a newbie to Left 4 Dead world next to Kenneth. Prior to our outing, Harry and I already taught her the basic rules of this game; stay together, she managed this instruction although I must admit that she has trouble aiming and controlling her character. For some reason, she could survive realism mode instead of normal version.
Kenneth came by shortly when we were about to start the third chapter of Dead Center. He claimed he did play this game before, but wasn’t really that good at it. He sat alone behind us, which was a big mistake as he clearly might have tons of trouble as Nina’s game play. On top of that, the microphone was broken, I couldn’t really communicate with them other than shout or type message. As a result, we couldn’t even success both the emergency alarm event at the mall and the scavenging at the atrium.

We decided to go Harry’s house which just nearby to Jusco. His house was so dark that I couldn’t even watch my footstep, especially when ascending the stairs, who knows we might trip down. Once in his room, Harry tried to connect the internet via wifi but failed to do so. We blamed it was Nina who jinxed it, in a jokingly tone, of course. Nina was playing Warcraft when the boys were chatting on Harry’s bed. I must say that his room is quite comfortable with a big space like this, and I would like to stay in if I could, lol.
We went back home at around 10:30pm.

We left the CC at 5pm and walked ourselves to local Jusco. We had no purpose of going there, though, intending to wait for the time to pass ‘till 6pm. Before that, we went to the pet shop next to Jusco building where we fancied the hamsters; our main pet for at least three of us. Most of this time was just wandering around aimlessly. Except for Nina who bought an anime at a DVD store. Then followed by Harry and Kenneth competed each other in an Arcade game called “Taiko”. 
We had our lunch at Susan as I said earlier. It was an Italian restaurant where I first visited with Lee Cheng and Tiong Hong few weeks ago. It took us awhile before we finally decided to order our own meals with a regular sized Hawaiian Chicken Pizza.

Luckily I didn’t order mushroom soup; my stomach was about to burst with only a plate of Spaghetti Carbonara, a cup of strawberry & lime soda and two slices of pizzas. We sat there for almost two hours as we chatted about our school life, games including Left 4 Dead 2 and Fatal Frame. It was quite fun until a friend of Harry showed up, a rather self-proclaimed person who thought he is good looking and constantly judge other female’s facial look. It was annoying that eventually ruined my mood.
We went back to Jusco again, on our way there, I almost stepped on a dead rat lying on the street, thanks to Harry’s quick alarm. My mood was relieved when that “guy” was not with us. Coincidently, we met him again at the main door of Jusco. Bad thing was he followed us to the food court where we had a chat.
Apparently, the only people that actually talked were Kenneth, Harry and him. Nina and I were sms-ing each other despite the fact that she was just sitting next to me; we were vicious talk about that “guy” that we both disliked, lol. After awhile, he left. THANK GOD!
At this point, we did something stupid and embarrassing, at least for me. We proceeded to the Teenager’s department and randomly picked a new outfit and changed them just for the sake of taking photos. I never done thing like this before. But it was all about fun; it's ok to serve them as memories, lol.

We went back to Jusco again, on our way there, I almost stepped on a dead rat lying on the street, thanks to Harry’s quick alarm. My mood was relieved when that “guy” was not with us. Coincidently, we met him again at the main door of Jusco. Bad thing was he followed us to the food court where we had a chat.

We decided to go Harry’s house which just nearby to Jusco. His house was so dark that I couldn’t even watch my footstep, especially when ascending the stairs, who knows we might trip down. Once in his room, Harry tried to connect the internet via wifi but failed to do so. We blamed it was Nina who jinxed it, in a jokingly tone, of course. Nina was playing Warcraft when the boys were chatting on Harry’s bed. I must say that his room is quite comfortable with a big space like this, and I would like to stay in if I could, lol.

Nina jinxed, pizzas and what more? LoL! I'm sure you guys have quite a day. And I can't say the same for that miserable a** you were ranting.
Harry room looks empty.
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