Hmm... im just taking a few flashback after i read my friend's blog, actually i do have fun when i was studying at Penang (not much). First is the choir team that i joined during form 1, i think there are 23 people taking part of this performance, most of them are Chinese (thank god). During our practice, i also get to know a Malay guy who name Daniel (my future classmate), i know you will think that why a Malay guy has an English name, well that because his mom is Singh and his dad is Malay. He's very good in English speaking too, but i still hate him like a pig, not because he's Malay, but for some other reason that i will tell you later for the 2007 flashback.
We laugh all the time during our daily practice, there are 2 teachers were guarding us how to sing well, besides, we dont even have to go back to our class until recess time, lol! The first performance was for our ??? teacher who was going to retire (she was my first PJK teacher for like about 2 weeks), we sang Beauty and the Beast and the Farewell songs for her, sound very stupid.
The second and the last performance in that year was for the Hari Anugerah Kecermerlang, that day we have to came to school by morning, we still sang the same old song, Beauty and the Beast but with lesser people (kinda of lame). Besides choir, there was also something fun happened in the class, we always work together when a spot check coming to us, we help each other to hide all the things that we are not allow to bring, im so glad that all of my classmates are Chinese with an Indian boy who also can speak and understand Chinese.
Believe it or not, my class is a special class in all form 1 (that's what teachers always say), we are the first students who enter the new classroom, 1K, and there are only 19 students inside the class but after that more new students have joined us. During the final exam, some of the classes including mine have to go to the hall to take the exam due to the PMR students have to take over my class, this is a very good chance to tiru since there were only 2 teachers watching us in a big hall! This is why the next year almost half of my classmates manage to enter the first class with me too^^.
In that year, my first (let's say it ex) BFF was Aric Lau Zhe Peng, he's very good in art, singing and gossiping. Aric is the reason of why i decided to join the choir team and many other activities in the future.... Anyway, he's a loser that not going to find a real friend in his entire life, so long sucker~~~

That guy look fimiliar, look like our school now that guy named David. TTYN? Is it Talk To You NEVER? LoL! Looks like Kah Chin's blog make you think about your past.
yup, it's talk to you never, u r the 1st person who know the meaning in all among my friends^^
That sucker has appeared a couple of times in a reality singing contest show on tv b4, my 2nd bro also hate him although he never met Aric, u know wat my bro calls him? his real name is Lau Zhe Peng, but v change it to Lao Ci Bai, hahahaha!
You can watch his video on youtube, just type 'you raised me up- aric lau', but... i warn you better not to watch, it will kill ur ears!!!!
just dropping by to say hi! it's my first time ever to read a gothic's blog...... :]
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