Yeah! New Silent Hill game coming up for the PS2 and Wii consoles, they named it as Silent Hill Shattered Dream, i definitely will buy it since it was a remake for the original Silent Hill. I heard that the game will be very different from the previous one, you can use a handphone to check the map or snap photos and some other things, sounds so COOL! So far, i only have finished 3 Silent Hill games (the origins one i only play half way)
Silent Hill 3 is my most favourite game compare with the others, not just the graphic is nice, all the weapons, storyline, maps are cool too! i still can remember that when i ask Melisa to play it, she got scared and scream shortly when the door inside the toilet of the game suddenly open slowly and soundly, she quickly threw the controller to Vanessa who sitting beside her that time then to me, LOL!
Before i play the new Silent Hill game, i have to finish Silent Hill origins (also known as SH Zero) first.
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