Saturday, February 27, 2010
Imaginary Horror Survival
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, February 27, 2010 2 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
Left 4 Dead

Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, February 26, 2010 2 comments
Fatal Frame

The third and the last decision was at the Taman SPBT, which has a big rock fountain too. I dont know whose idea was that, for wanting us to climb up there like a bunch of monkeys. It wasnt a problem if there were only a few people, but there were 31 of us, standing up as a group on a narrow rock around the fountain! We may fell into that pond as a group if one of us is really that hapless, not just that, we may get injured too!
I was originally standing up on a real safe rock near the T-grasses, but Nazif asked me to cross over to the right side near the sign board since there was few more spaces that can fit 2 or 3 more people, i was like "whatever". Unfortunately, only my left leg crossed the "mini river" safely while my right leg was soaking wet due to an unknown person pushed me behind my back. Some of the girls were srceaming too, like my leg was dragged by ghost or something =.=
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, February 26, 2010 2 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Only Chinese New Year Spirit
Before the prayer was ended after one hour, i thought we're going to attempt a short prayer to our Chinese ancestors like we usually did in other churches. Instead of praying, they skipped to angpau giving activity, last time they only allowed small children to take the angpau, but not this time, everyone is allowed no matter how old you are, it doesnt matter anyway, since the angpau was only a ringgit ten sen =.='
Later on, i went to my grandmother's house again like i said on last post, everyone start giving the angpau to us, lol! Me and Vanessa, however, dashed off to the play room again to play Obscure, but since Dennis also with us too, he suggested to play Gauntlet, a RPG action multiplayer game. What pissed me off was, he wasnt the one who wanted to play only, he also became the first one who wanted to quit somehow later in the game =.=
We also asked Vereena and Valerie to join us too, it ended up the persons who took the most pictures were them =.=' Believe it or not, we take one single solo picture also have to took 10 minutes, lol! Mainly because we're not really obsessed in this kind of things XD like taking self picture, posing etc.
We cant gambling in front of a priest, so we were forced to push the time to midnight, lol! Actually i didnt play at first, Vanessa's mother forces me and Vanessa to join them, she also sponsored us 5 dollar each! What a surprised, lol! After half of the game, we started to use our own angpau money instead, the activity was so damn crazy as we shouted and laughed so loud. In the end, i only earned 5 dollar, my luck suddenly went "OK" right after i went to toilet though, lol! And that was my first day of CNY.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3 comments
Reunion Dinner
We begun our dinner at around nine something, it was divided into two tables, one is more high class than the other which is for the older generation and guests. Well, me and Vanessa sat the lower class seats along with Dennis, my mother, Valerie, Vereena, Vanessa's mother and Mandy (house maid) . It was much more better to choose that place because there were only 8 people sharing a hotpot, the other one i think there were more than 8.
Once there, i saw Weng Fei's house, which just located opposite from my grandmother's, who also going to fire the crackers, it was like a competition see which one of us can last long or louder, lol! Some of my people stayed indoor to check the clock and starting to count down while Dennis was the one who fire it. It only took a few minutes when the clock ticked to 12a.m, as the crackers were firing, I covered my both ears to protect it from the explosion sounds, i thought it was nothing some how later, so i released my hands, it turned out my ears were hurting so much!
Later, Weng Fei's father also fired their crackers, lol! Although they were a little late, but nobody even cares, all of us just stood there and enjoy it. It was also the time for me to go home after the "explosion", i leave the Xbox there since tomorrow we'll be back in here again, and it may be useful.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
One Step From Hell
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, February 11, 2010 2 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Silent Hill Shattered Memories Review
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, February 08, 2010 3 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, February 03, 2010 2 comments
Lame Day, Lame Event, Lame Teacher
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, February 03, 2010 2 comments