I thought today's school day would be very interesting and fun because of some several reasons; random special guests are coming to my school, performances and the whole event will going to show on TV LIVE!! Sadly, it turned out to be very lame and totally wasting of time.
Back to this morning right after i placed my bag in the class as the teacher said so, i went downstairs to the foyer where i met Wen Sern. We both sat in the middle of the line during the ceremony where we wasted almost 2 hours for nothing just to wait those guests! Wont they felt ashamed that more than 100 students were frustrating just because of them??! That was also the time that i felt so regret for not listening to En Hui who recommended me not to go the other day...
Anyway, some of the performances are quite impress me, especially the magic, although it's just a repeat from the previous years, but at least better than the other performances. The ceremony killed the time straight to our recess time, which was very boring since i didnt bring any pocket money with me, and yet, i brought my self-made breads for the first time for this year XD
Mean while as everyone returned to classroom, it was reviewed that there were only 16 of us present, it was so surprised that more than half of us were absent! The environment was so different compared to ordinary days too, the whole room was so quiet and a little empty.
During the eight period, a bitch annoying talk non-stop teacher came to relief our Ekonomi teacher, who was absent as well. She kept ordering us to do this do that by claiming that maybe the guests will pay a visit to our class, at first i was like "whatever" since i've nothing to do too, but her voices killed my mood off to zero! So, most of the time i kept quiet like an ant and never showed any emotions to anyone until she asked me to arrange the tables and chairs.
I just felt like want to tear her lips out when she orders me like a slave, i dragged the nearest chair and pushed it away hardly as it blocking my way, do you know what she said next? She said "Tak puas hati ke? Tolong saja pun nak marah ke? Ini bukan kelas awak ke? Siapa name tu?" You see, just want to scold me also can came out with many questions, i actually wanted to scold her back since i knew her "argue skill" is very NOOB by judging on what she scolded me just now. But in the end im sure she'll use her "teacher's power" to gantung me, so not worth.
If i really did that, i'll scold "Yes, i memang tak puas hati, but it's not because you asked me to do thing, but it's because your lanjiao pig's voices killed my mood off! What? You ask me to help them just because you think this class is apart of mine? Quite reasonable. Then let me ask you, this class is not even belong to you and you're not even apart from us, not even close! Why you're so fucking busybody then??!! Where did you get the power to ordering us like a slave?" Did your mother ever teach you dont be busybody on other people's thing??"
Whatever, this kind of teacher should die faster before the teenagers turn to demon, mainly because of them! The last part has nothing special at all, so this post will ends right here.
That teacher is like that one. Abit scold and lansi lanyong. She like that sure one day kena beat up one. Just don't because of that B*TCH then kena buang or gantung. Totally not worth it. Just forget about her.
Why both of us face the same fate one ah?? Always get "diao" by teachers =.=
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