Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Yup, i just bought the newest game of the Silent Hill series, it says the game was a remake/re-imagination of the first game that released in 1999 for the PS1 console which i never played before.

The game makes a great challenge for me as they removed the combat system unlike the other horror games, so now your only way to survive is, RUN!! Just imagine that you're playing as a child character on Forbidden Siren XD
Not just that, according to what i heard from the true Silent Hill fans, they said this game will lead you to multiple ways, gameplay, characters including monsters by judging on your gameplay during the game. It also introduced more special features such as the handphone, which allow you to check the map by using the GPS and take pictures of interesting elements (copy from Fatal Frame =.=)

I planning to play this game with Wen Sern and Cheng Yu, mostly because they know how to play and plan like we did on Forbidden Siren back then. Looks like we're going to have another whole black day XD


Anonymous said...

Nice! Can't wait to try it out. I don't understand why US like to remake every game. Sometime make it good but sometime it sucks!

Deric Adrian said...

TOTALLY AGREE! Like the Forbidden Siren remake, they changed the characters from Japanese to American! And the game was very short than the original's, they dun have mission 2 or sumtin. So, there's only one word to describe the game "SUCKS!", the only thing tat can b compliment was the graphic of the game.