Monday, May 30, 2011
Potential 2nd Job
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, May 30, 2011 1 comments
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Dead Island

I’ve read amount of info about this upcoming RPG horror survival game on various sites. It’s said that this game is like a combination of Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead series. There are several interesting elements that attract me to get this game for Xbox 360 console. One of them is the multiplayer cooperative mode where up to 4 players can experience a whole new zombie apocalypse at once. I hope I can play this mode with a friend beside me without online; also, hope we can go wherever we want by separately. In addition, the game is an open world like Grand Theft Auto.
There are 4 playable characters with only 2 of them have been revealed;

The other 2 are Logan and Purna (I think she’s an African woman). This game might be the first horror game that consisted of international characters, which is good.
The trailer of this game looks quite saddening, but I bet the actual gameplay is nothing like that anyway :/
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, May 26, 2011 0 comments
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Gothic LifeStyle
Finally I’ve bought myself a nail polish at Sunway Pyramid when I had another outing with Lee Cheng, Jack, his Korean classmate, and Wen Sern. Although the color is not the one I was searching for, but I think dark purple is still compatible with black.
I didn’t buy the base coat which is very necessary for nail polishing if you want to keep your nail healthy. The price is much shocking than Osama’s death; 500+ ringgit! Like what the hell? 5oo+ ringgit? I’d rather save that for Xbox, lol.
Anyway, I applied it on 3 of my nails. Apparently, my polishing skill turned suck after almost a year didn’t attempt any “beauty” painting. So, I decided to wait ‘till I got a cheaper base coat and nail polish remover (forgot to buy). Before I completely removed the color liquid by scratching out :( I went out for a dinner with my family as today is my mofo brother’s birthday. I dressed like a semi-Gothic style with a coffin bag beside me, and you know what? Everyone is staring at me like some what a freak show, it’s disturbing and uncomfortable. People, did your mother ever taught you staring is rude? :)
Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, May 22, 2011 2 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Random Travel

We had a short visitation at Lee Cheng’s college, Taylor, and the college amazed me a lot as it looks like a Botanical Garden with the tranquil lake setting in the middle. Also, there are several department stores can be found somewhere around the building. What surprised me is that the library consisted of 5 freaking floors! I had never seen such a huge library in my whole life! After a short walk, we finally had a drink at Old Town, which is also apart from Taylor.
Haznut Coffee- RM7.50 T.T
We spent some times at Sunway Pyramid before heading back home, this is like the shortest shopping length ever, what a disappointment, lol.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, May 17, 2011 1 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Jun Meng made a phone call to his parents so that they could bring his ID card while the rest of us waited patiently. I was goofing around as if the whole situation was just a joke. When everything seemed fine, a police van drove in from where we came from and parked next to us. I actually thought their shift was over and coincidentally came here to buy some snacks, but turned out that they came here on PURPOSE. One of them stepped out and followed by the others with a flashlight in their hand. They kindly asked us to leave the car while another was inspecting Lee Cheng’s car license and questioned him “Still wanna go where in this hour?” I’m sorry, but this is a free country, why must he know our privacy?
Anyway, Jun Meng’s parents arrived few minutes later before the check up ended. Nothing big actually, just kind of funny as you could see how tension Jun Meng was.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, May 14, 2011 2 comments
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
So, yeah, it was there when we had our fine dinner as a family, yet, boring, since none of us actually were there, I mean, technically, we were there, but our hearts, were somewhere else because we didn’t speak a word until we got back home.
And finally, the infamous crabs with chutney (sweet and hot sauce). The sauce can be too, compounded with baked British bread.
The whole meal cost Daniel a total of RM183 by EXPECTEDLY.
A mother and son were feeding the cat fishes by the lake. A similar scene where you can see in The Mines.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, May 09, 2011 2 comments
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Deric's Phase
Its day 61 since the first day I became mildewed; Supposedly, I probably have own an item that I had desired for a long time by now, an Xbox 360. However, there’s one idiot out there who happen to be my elder brother keeps delaying the time while my money is still currently in his hand, alive or not, only God knows. Thanks to him, he lost my interest for getting the item weeks later; My money is the only thing that i want it back.
Again, its day 61 since the first day I became mildewed; and I never step outside my house for fresh air, not even once excluding the day when I go to church every Saturday. There was one time when Nina invited me for an outing with Harry and Kenneth. Magically, I accepted her offer. Unfortunately, the outing is failed since we couldn’t set a proper date as we have our own personal schedule and house rules. And another time was when Wen Sern asked me out for a movie with Yushen, but my wallet is kind of empty, so I said no despite the fact that I still owe both him and Kah Chin 10 dollars. There’s no way hell I’m gonna follow my so-called brother’s footstep, I’ll return them whenever we can meet up.
So… this is me throughout all these 61 days. Since I always staying at home, of course there's nothing interesting can be shared here...
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, May 07, 2011 2 comments