Finally I’ve bought myself a nail polish at Sunway Pyramid when I had another outing with Lee Cheng, Jack, his Korean classmate, and Wen Sern. Although the color is not the one I was searching for, but I think dark purple is still compatible with black.
The nail polish itself costs me 53 ringgit as they said “it’s a famous brand with great quality”. Whether it’s true or not, I seriously have no idea and don’t really care much because this is Deric, who never open his eyes when it comes to purchasing.
I didn’t buy the base coat which is very necessary for nail polishing if you want to keep your nail healthy. The price is much shocking than Osama’s death; 500+ ringgit! Like what the hell? 5oo+ ringgit? I’d rather save that for Xbox, lol.
Anyway, I applied it on 3 of my nails. Apparently, my polishing skill turned suck after almost a year didn’t attempt any “beauty” painting. So, I decided to wait ‘till I got a cheaper base coat and nail polish remover (forgot to buy). Before I completely removed the color liquid by scratching out :( I went out for a dinner with my family as today is my mofo brother’s birthday. I dressed like a semi-Gothic style with a coffin bag beside me, and you know what? Everyone is staring at me like some what a freak show, it’s disturbing and uncomfortable. People, did your mother ever taught you staring is rude? :)
Had lunch at a small Taiwanese-based-style restaurant in Sunway. That fried chicken can be seen at Sg. Long night market every Tuesday night =.= Well, the rice is nice, though.
I didn’t buy the base coat which is very necessary for nail polishing if you want to keep your nail healthy. The price is much shocking than Osama’s death; 500+ ringgit! Like what the hell? 5oo+ ringgit? I’d rather save that for Xbox, lol.
Anyway, I applied it on 3 of my nails. Apparently, my polishing skill turned suck after almost a year didn’t attempt any “beauty” painting. So, I decided to wait ‘till I got a cheaper base coat and nail polish remover (forgot to buy). Before I completely removed the color liquid by scratching out :( I went out for a dinner with my family as today is my mofo brother’s birthday. I dressed like a semi-Gothic style with a coffin bag beside me, and you know what? Everyone is staring at me like some what a freak show, it’s disturbing and uncomfortable. People, did your mother ever taught you staring is rude? :)
Seriously, even without me wearing hoodie, and with boringly normal attire. Yet, I'm still being stared on. Really annoying and I was like "Don't you have better else to stare at?!:" Now when people stare at me, I look into his eye back directly. Ma BEK BEK!
Asia country (excluding Japan), what to do. Apa-apa pun weird to them. It's not like I'm wearing dress swinging around the street. Nail polish only mah, and it wasn't pink or red colour la~
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