Sunday, May 24, 2009

Final Decision

Im not going to tell you what happened during my 1st interview for the youth alpha competition that we had yesterday, because there's nothing interesting happened at all. Well, the next day, all of the 10 remaining teams will up to the 2nd and final interview this morning, me & Mark felt so sleepy because yesterday we were so tired, the interview took like 45 minutes for 1 team, the producer always ask us a very silly question, like why do you want to take participate in these game? or how well do you know about Jesus? i was like 'whatever....'

We all know that out of this 10 teams, 4 teams will failed the interview, and we were so nervous that we might be one of the failed team, but Mark said it's ok, at least we try our best to fight hard, he was right, so before the announcement, both of us slept for a while on the couch together. Later on, the producer came out from the interview room and announce all the failed teams, our heart was so scared until it's gonna stop. But after she mention the last team, all of the remaining 6 teams all 'YEAH!!!!' including me, i hug Mark and so did the other teams.

The 6 teams are:
Me & Mark
Sean & Tiana (my friends)
Eugene & Sharon
Joshua & Jeremy
Susan & Christine
Amelia & Adriana

Now, we still wondering the other 6 teams from Penang, are they strong? are they friendly? or are they ugly? Lol, just a joke, after the final decision, we thought we were allow to go home, but we cant. We still have to learn more about the game rules, so they play a video which was the exactly same game from last year, now only we know that this game was already exist on last year.

FR. Valentine (right) will be the host, and he will decided who will going home after the day challenges, we cant bring our handphone along with us during the challenge because they said we might cheat or something. Besides, teachers will acompany each of the teams to be our spy to see whether we got cheat or ask someone to help us or not, but they cant help us also, of course, even a tip also not allow. The game will begin on next Saturday, 8 a.m. with along the other 6 teams from Penang who will come here by the day before the competition.

Our first stop is at SFA church, we'll stay there for about 2 days until 2 teams have eliminated, then the journey will move to Klang. Win or Lose, i just dont want to be the first team to be eliminated from the game, it's very embrassing you know.

Last year's winner was a girl name Diana Chong, a chinese girl. The game rule is quite more different than this year, they got 16 contestants during that time, and all of them are above 18-year-old, every contestants were on SOLO work unlike this year, team versus, and only allow for the teenagers (13 to17-year-old). So, we are the Season 2 contestants, and this time must be the male team win the game!!!!!Gambate!!!!^^


Anonymous said...

The more you post the more I interested in it! Hope I at there and see you! LoL!

Deric Adrian said...

if u come n watch me playing the game, i will gain more confident since there are 2 of my bffs is acompany me^^

Anonymous said...

Hihih! But even though I go, I can't sleep there. LoL!

Deric Adrian said...

lol, good 4 u if u cant sleep there, it's a nightmare 4 me

Anonymous said...

I mean I can't sleep in the church! HAHAHA!

Deric Adrian said...

i know, it's a nightmare 4 u or me if u really sleep in the church, u cant do tis do tat, nthg different wif jail