Im sure that everyone must have encounter this 'competiton' before, that is ARGUE. This few months, i already defeated more than 5 people who try to defend me in YouTube's comment, most of them are really stupid than my hamster... im not sure that did they study or not?
Most of my enemies are older than me like 19 or 20 something, but still they failed their mission, lol. The youngest enemy that i encounter since this far is a 14-year-old boy, maybe girl. She/He send a very stupid comment on Happy Tree Friends video, he/she sends 'retard video'. At first, i just replied him/her 'then why do you watch it?', then when i watch another episode of HTF, i saw her/his stupid comment again, then i tell her/him just fuck off. And at that night, he/she really replied to me, he/she asked me to shut the fuck up and fuck my mum, and he/she even called me 'kid' even though he/she younger than me 2 years.
I immediately use my 'ulti' to defeat him/her, i wrote:
' o, i thought u r a baby, fucker!go n suck ur mum nipple n drink her fresh milk!! bsides, go fuck sum where else if u think tis vdeo is retard, baby!dun wan? ok, go n kill urself or fuck ur mum or suck ur dad's cock, which 1 u wan? no? u wan me
to fuck my mum or suck my dad's cock? dun worry, i'll kill them straight! bsides, im 16 n u juz 14 kid/baby'
I called him/her baby because his/her username and real name is Gabystelistu95, and i changed it to BabyStupid, lol. It was like head shot, he/she didn't reply to me again. Haha!
Another stupid enemy came and defend me last few days ago in my BFF's video, he said his video was very stupid or whatever... im so angry that he said something like that to my BFF! i told him fuck off and go and fuck his mother, but then it was review that his mother was dead of cancer 5 month ago, i dont believe him! he's so fucking fake! anyway, even if it was real, i dont care about his father or mother or grandmother because he said something negative to my BFF!
Before we ended the 'game', i told him go and suck his dad's cock since his mother was dead, i cant believe that this guy was so stupid. he said he wont suck his dad's cock because he's not gay, omg, that mean he will suck it if he's gay!? Hahaha! he didn't replied to me again after i wrote this. what a loser...
My other past enemies wasn't that interesting, they give up so easily, the title are FORBIDDEN SIREN 2, FATAL FRAME 3, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 TRAILER, GUINEA PIG EATEN and PARIS HILTON'S MY NEW BFF. Now, my new enemy is still currently having a 'war' on Battle Royale trailer, he's much more stupid than the others, he thought i was Malay because i was born in Malaysia, and he hates Asians.... mother fucker... this is why i have to win this 'war', for Asians... anyway, his username is coldremedyoftheapoc
Thx for helping me! LoL! Happy that u make him SHUT UP! HAHAHA! They sometimes jealous one, sometimes dumb also! LOL!
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