*Sigh* Today is the most tired day happened in my life! i woke up at 7:30am and went to church by 8. i thought i was late since teacher Sandra asked us to go there by 8, but i was wrong, i was the first 1 who arrived, Yeah! No longer, my BFF, Mark also arrived, i was like 'Finally...' im so happy that he came.

As soon as the others arrived, we went to our classroom and start our job immediately, we split into 7 group to do different jobs; cutting the torns from the roses, tie the ribbons, cutting the flowers, wrapping the flowers, cleaning the classroom, peel out the leaf and counting the flowers. Well, me and Mark do the cutting torns first since we thought it was easy and faster, but after couple of minutes later we starting to feel regret for choosing this job due to the torns are hurting our fingers so much. After finish that cutting torns, i went to do the peeling leaf while Mark went to do the ribbons, it was very complicated to peel out the leaf because the flowers is very bushy, i still keep going with that job until Angeline decided to ask me to change it with her to cutting the flowers.
Unfortunately, i cut my finger by a scissors accidentally when someone push me from my back, i quickly ran outside to the washroom for cleaning up my blood, but it was worse than ever when i did that, my blood still keep bleeding until i feel so dizzy and almost fainted (maybe i loose too much blood), Mark told me that my lip is so pale like a dead man. Teacher Audrey helps me to put some medicine on it and automatically my blood stop bleeding, what a miracle, lol! She asked me to sit down and get some rest and asked Mark to buy some foods & drink at the 7- Eleven which was just beside the church. With this cut, i can get some rest while the others except Mark who still busying like a maids, lol.

After lunch, me and Mark went outside and take some photos of each other like a children. The fun wont took so long of course, we went inside again and continue our work, tying the ribbons to the flowers. It was very hard for me to tie it due to my hurting finger, damn it! But i cant just let Mark do it by himself, so i sacrifice myself and tie that stupid ribbons by suffering although it took more time.

Finally, after the 7 hours of none stop working, we already done our job, Congratulation! the only job left was counting the flowers, there's only 2 people decided to count and there are total of 2oo+ flowers! believe it or not, we have to sell all of them within this 2 days, Saturday and Sunday. the cost is depend from the flowers:
the basket flowers ☠ RM25
single rose ☠ RM2
single rose with paper wrapping ☠ RM3
double roses with paper wrapping ☠ RM5
triple roses with paper wrapping ☠ RM8

Seem like an indoor jungle, lol. all of us were force to clean up the classroom before going home. i learned many new things today and it was very fun although i was hurt and tired, ^^. Now i only know that being as a Florist is not that easy.
Unfortunately, i cut my finger by a scissors accidentally when someone push me from my back, i quickly ran outside to the washroom for cleaning up my blood, but it was worse than ever when i did that, my blood still keep bleeding until i feel so dizzy and almost fainted (maybe i loose too much blood), Mark told me that my lip is so pale like a dead man. Teacher Audrey helps me to put some medicine on it and automatically my blood stop bleeding, what a miracle, lol! She asked me to sit down and get some rest and asked Mark to buy some foods & drink at the 7- Eleven which was just beside the church. With this cut, i can get some rest while the others except Mark who still busying like a maids, lol.
the basket flowers ☠ RM25
single rose ☠ RM2
single rose with paper wrapping ☠ RM3
double roses with paper wrapping ☠ RM5
triple roses with paper wrapping ☠ RM8
Next: Part Time Job
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