Saturday, August 29, 2009
Christmas' Plans

Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, August 29, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Next Target
My bro is going to download and burn these game for the xbox version, it almost same like Halo and Counter Strike, so i think it a very cool FPS shooting game.
Too bad, we cant play coop mode in these game......
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2 comments
Urgh! I cant believe that my brother went to buy the apple laptop instead of the LCD TV and Xbox360! House already got 2 computers liao still want to buy 2 (1 of them is normal brand) more laptops, dammit!!!
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Masturbation Lesson
Dont worry, it's not a porn movie but a funny tv show called "Weeds". I found this video clip from one of the episode in Youtube, so enjoy the show and hope you can laugh a bit^^ If you dont understand what is he talking about, here's the subtitle:
Alright, listen closely. I'm not going to beat around the bush. Ha ha ha. Your little body's changing - it's all good, believe me. Problem now is... every time we jerk the gerkin, we get a lot of unwanted sticky white stuff everywhere, right? Right. So... First order of business - no more socks. They're expensive, gumming up the works plumming-wise.
Now you might be thinking to yourself, "But, Uncle Andy, what do I do with all that pearl jam if I can't spew it into Mr. Sock?" Glad you asked... You can have a lovely time tugging the tiger in the shower each morning - that eliminates the need for a goo glove. But, the day is long, masturbation's fun, so unless we want to take 4 or 5 showers every day, we're gonna need some other options. So let's start with the basics. Tissues. Perfectly acceptable backstop for all that Creamy Italian. They can be rough and dry on such soft, sensitive skin and it can stick to your dick head like a fuckin' band-aid - ouch. From there we move on to more lubricated flack-catchers - specificially, bananas. Step one: Peel the banana. Step two: Slip the peel over your Randy Johnson and start pitching.
Now for extra credit, warm up the peel in the microwave. Not too hot! Serious yowza. Also, olive oil, moisturizer, honey, spit, butter, hair conditioner, and Vaseline can all be used for lube. In my opinion, the best lube... is lube. So save your allowance and invest in some soon.
Alright, moving on - when you tug your Thomas on the toilet - ffft - shoot right into the bowl. In bed - soft t-shirt, perhaps a downy hand towel of your very own that you don't mind tossing after tossing. There's no such thing as polishing the raised scepter of love too much.
It reduces stress, it enhances immune function. Also, practice makes perfect. So work on your control now, while you're a solo artist - you'll be playing some long, happy duets in the future. Ok - class dismissed.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, August 24, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Death Is Coming

Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, August 23, 2009 2 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Unlocked Characters In Forbidden Siren (part 1)
Wen Sern was the first one who play as him during the very first mission, he was unarmed until the third mission where he found a poker to defend himself and protect Miyako Kajiro (blind girl) from the shibitos, that level was finished by Cheng Yu with the help of us. It kinda of annoying to play as him because we were force to walk slowly so that Miyako can catch with us, i wish i can smack her, urgh!
Tamon Takeuchi
He was the second character that we unlocked after Kyoya Suda's second mission (follow a nun named Hisako Yao). It was a little bit easy to play as him since he own a pistol as his weapon, a girl named Yoriko Anno was his companion that we must protect her and bring her to the goal as well. This mission was also completed by Cheng Yu by accidentally, he just crouch down and walk straight away after the hard work and then dont know why suddenly the screen appeared 'mission accomplished', lol!
Kei Makino
Akira Shimura
Shiro Miyata
The last character that we unlocked on that day, this mission was not hard but complicated, the main objective for us is to turn on the light at the moutain hut, i made it to the hut and found the generator with empty gasoline, without the gas we cant turn on the stupid light, so we just wandering around to figure it out where can we find the gas, unfortunately, we always got shot by the sniper. I went to search the strategi guide in the internet and found out that we need to run back to the place where we started to get the gas from the abandoned car, the place where we got our weapon, i was like "wth"
Risa Onda
The first female character that i unlocked today, she also got no weapon for the entire mission, even she does has, it just useless since i dont really need it. There was only one shibito that i must focus on, it always walk around the outside of the house where the only place that i can explore (the map is very small), im so lucky that i hide inside the kitchen during that time, because i dont really know that there is a shibito outside near me^^
Naoko Mihama
Reiko Takato
Unlocked after Tamon's second mission (new mission that i just got it). The first mission is very very hard because a helpless kid (Harumi Yomoda) is your companion, if she get caught you'll game over straight, besides, Harumi runs like a 80-year-old grandma even though she's 10, everytime i fail the mission just because of her. The mission begin inside a school where i must help Harumi to escape, Reiko starts with no weapon until she found a crowbar in the gymnastic hall where we have to defeat the shibito principal, i finished the mission after more than 10 times retrying the game, the principal wokes up too fast even though you has defeat him, it only take 5 seconds.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, August 21, 2009 4 comments
Melayu Boleh? Pui!!!
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, August 21, 2009 3 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Light Off, Games Please
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, August 20, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
At The Beginning
Enjoy the song, "At The Beginning"
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Black Thursday

Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
H1N1 VS God

Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, August 17, 2009 2 comments
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, August 17, 2009 2 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lucky Me
My BFF, Wen Sern found these game that i wanted so long at Leisure Mall (so long didnt go there) this morning. Actually i bought the 2nd game at there too but i didnt noticed these series at all. THNX to him so much, even my cousins also want to say thank you to him^^
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, August 15, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy Birthday
Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, August 09, 2009 2 comments
Where, Where, Where!?
OMFG! Where can i buy the game please?? i keep asking myself for about half year already... I thought i can find it in Sg Wang when i went there with Wen Sern but oh boy that i was so wrong, the shops are actually worst than The Mines and Jusco.... There is still 1 more shop left where i can hunt, near behind my school (that's what i heard from Wen Sern), hope they got sell!!!!!
I need that game before X'mas and before my cousins come... :(
These game is pretty fun than the other horror games that you usually play, you wont find any boring time when you're playing, it doesnt mean that it's scary but with some other reason like you can play as many different characters, from kid to teenager to adult, the game was almost similar with Splinter Cell while you need to hide from the shibitos (the zombies in the game), the shibito/zombies will never die too, no matter how hard you attack them they still will get alive a couple of seconds later.
You cant grab a weapon when you play as a child, so you only can hide or run away from the shibitos, but when you get caught or even a small touch by the enemy, game over.... As for the teenager and adult, you can find a few weapons around the map, i dont know the maximun weapons that you can pick up in the 1st game but in the 2nd game you only can pick up 2 weapons like Halo.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, August 09, 2009 3 comments