So lucky that my eldest brother burned the Splinter Cell: Double Agent for the Xbox version last 2 days ago, without it, i probably going to suffer during the holiday since my pc cant online anymore, yet.
Too bad, the game play is too short for me because i finished the entire game in normal mode in just 2 days half (the day where i can online again). The game is quiet different with the previous one, you have to choose your own role (bad or good) to play the game by completing the missions that your boss order you to do. Unlike the previous game, you have 2 bosses that you must listen (depend on you), if you want to be a bad guy then you have to do whatever Emile asks you to do, most of them are stealing information or kill the guards or civilian that you see, as for being a good guy, then you have to listen to Lambert's order, why both of them treat Sam like their dog??
Anyway, whatever you choose may effect your future missions and ending. Now, only left the coop mode that i havent finish yet, waiting for Wen Sern or Cheng Yu to help me finish it^^
My BFF, Wen Sern found these game that i wanted so long at Leisure Mall (so long didnt go there) this morning. Actually i bought the 2nd game at there too but i didnt noticed these series at all. THNX to him so much, even my cousins also want to say thank you to him^^
So fast leh! 2 day finished it O_O! Hihi, When Thursday we come and help you. Or we should start play Forbidden Siren first? anything la!
Your welcome. I'm glad to help you!
first, v play Forbidden Siren until we get stuck then only v change it to Splinter Cell
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