Monday, August 17, 2009

H1N1 VS God

Yesterday at church, i heard some very funny stupid news about H1N1 from a doctor, all the things she said were just like an 'ABC' to us because we already knew whatever she just told us, that stupid doctor had wasted our breakfast time for like about 15 minutes before our Sunday School lesson start.

Besides, she also told us that dont use this excuse to absent the church or Sunday School every weekend, she said that the church is always save and God will help us keep away from the virus, i wanted to laugh when i heard this God thing, i mean, if God really can help us stay away from the virus, i dont think people are dying outside=.=

Not just the doctor encourage us to do so, even the church priests were also the same, he asked us to pray hard for the victims and hope they can recover soon, if pray can help them, im sure that the doctors will disappear in this world....
Come on people, there is no God in this world, if they do exist, then why the hell we need to study science?? Oh, wait a minute, God do help the victims, send them to heaven, lol!


Anonymous said...

That doctor lame!LoL!

Deric Adrian said...

super duper lame n juz wasting our time