Sunday, August 9, 2009

Where, Where, Where!?

OMFG! Where can i buy the game please?? i keep asking myself for about half year already... I thought i can find it in Sg Wang when i went there with Wen Sern but oh boy that i was so wrong, the shops are actually worst than The Mines and Jusco.... There is still 1 more shop left where i can hunt, near behind my school (that's what i heard from Wen Sern), hope they got sell!!!!!

I need that game before X'mas and before my cousins come... :(

These game is pretty fun than the other horror games that you usually play, you wont find any boring time when you're playing, it doesnt mean that it's scary but with some other reason like you can play as many different characters, from kid to teenager to adult, the game was almost similar with Splinter Cell while you need to hide from the shibitos (the zombies in the game), the shibito/zombies will never die too, no matter how hard you attack them they still will get alive a couple of seconds later.

You cant grab a weapon when you play as a child, so you only can hide or run away from the shibitos, but when you get caught or even a small touch by the enemy, game over.... As for the teenager and adult, you can find a few weapons around the map, i dont know the maximun weapons that you can pick up in the 1st game but in the 2nd game you only can pick up 2 weapons like Halo.


Anonymous said...

Hope there got. LoL

Deric Adrian said...

u already bought it^^
actually im planning to go there when the skul is open again, but now no need le, hehe
thnx man

Anonymous said...

Glad I've help! Look exciting!!