Monday, May 17, 2010

Banana Game! XD

I know the following photos are very disgusting to you, but to be honest, the game itself was quite fun to play XD. It required our teamwork and trusting each other in order to complete this game. The game works like this;

Form into a team with at least two persons. Then, one person must grab a banana without using their hands, while the other person must use their mouth to peel the banana without touching it with their hands. The more bananas you have done peeling off, the chances for you to win will become more.As you can see, i played this game during my very first camp in Klang. It was very funny and disgusting at the same time. Even if the banana accidentally dropped down to the lawn, we also dont care much and went to bite it out. You can actually spot me in the last photo, trying to pick up the banana that me and Mark dropped it XD


Anonymous said...

My very first impression, OMFG! What if the banana dropped and both accidentally kiss? XD

Deric Adrian said...

omg! i couldnt imagine wat will happen if tat happened XD