Monday, May 24, 2010

Teenage LifeStyle!

Wow! Looks like after the mid-term exam, everyone of us has their own plan to relax and release their stress that gained from the 3 weeks examination.
I was actually planning to organize a minor class trip which open for all the 5A students to Time Square to watch a 3D movie, Shrek IV, but i got a feeling that some of my gang will definitely disagree, so i only invited maybe 10 people to join in. For the first time, half of us including me intending to try the indoor theme park that takes place in Times Square, mainly because of the roller coaster. However, some of us like Pai Kai having a phobia of height might have a little problem on it.

I just realised that there was a twist between my life in Penang and Selangor. In Penang, i was very active in school since i participated amount of activities like Choral Speaking, Choir, Essay Competition and so on, but i was dead on the outside of the school. Therefore, the life in Selangor was totally opposite from it, lol. Yet, im still very glad that i came back here ;D


Anonymous said...

I want to save up some money! I can go with you all but I will have to go back early. The early we go, the earlier we can go back.

Deric Adrian said...

Me too! I said i need to save money for Xbox 360, but now i keep spending it there and here =.=

Early is no problem to me, but dun be too early. Otherwise, we'll end up visiting the Silent Hill form of shopping mall.