Before the preparation, we have a cleaning the hall 'program' to do yesterday, but i didn't attend since Mark also dont want to go. At home, i received a message from teacher Sandra that we need to go to the church by 6:30 pm (Sat) for selling the muffins and 7 am on Sunday for the Special Breakfast Program which is our real project.
Still, i didn't attend on Saturday evening because i think it's lame for selling muffins. So, the next day (today), i woke up at 6 in the morning to prepare myself, i brought 3 baked beans, knife and a potato peeler with me too, dont worry, im not going to kill someone, this is an order from our teacher.We also need to wear white shirt and black trousers to be more like a 'professional waiter', i wore a white long sleeve shirt for the very first time, a black tie and a dark green trousers because i dont have any black trousers.
I arrived at the church by 7 am sharp, im the third and the first male student to arrived, after i put all my things into the kitchen, all three of us followed teacher Audrey to take other ingredients from upstairs, it's not that much to take, just 3 set of eggs, 10kg of potatoes which bought by Mark and a pack of rice. As soon as we went back to the church's hall, 5 more students have also arrived, we start to do our first job at that time, put the cloves on the long tables inside the hall, actually it's not really a long table, they used many of the short tables and combined it to become the long one, anyway, this is the easiest job to do.
After we are done, Mark finally came! Before we have a chance to greet each other, we are called in to peel the potatoes after that, me & Mark just walk up and down in order to escape from the job, lol! But of course, we still except our fate with different job, selling the muffins. There are total of 4 of us selling, unlike the Mothers Day Project, this time we have to walk around the church to sell, unfortunately, that time it was still early, so only few people want to buy, most of them are our parents, it's cost are 1 for 3 ringgit, 2 for 5 ringgit, do you think it's expensive?
We decided to go back to our teachers since nobody want it, all 4 of us get some rest in the hall like about 10 seconds then we are called in to butter the breads... That time was so freaking hot because i wore a long sleeve shirt although i fold up the sleeve, and the kitchen are too many people! Causing the heat increase, but me & Mark just suck it up and go butter the breads, i thought just only 4 of us are going to do that, but we are wrong, there are few more girls are buttering too! We need to butter more than 100 breads for the Western food's guests, this is not the problem, the main problem is the stupid cold butter! i always use the fire to melt down the butter so we can do it more easier and faster, or else we going to ruin the breads since the butter is so hard!
Now, it's time to prepare the drinks, there are only 2 drinks for the guests, coffee and punch (not that punch), they already prepare the coffee just only need to heat it up. As for the punch, an Auntie gave us the recipe for how are we going to make it, but we also didn't do it by ourself in the end, LOL! First, me & Kenneth poured 2 big bottles of sprite into a big container like a tong sampah=.=', then Mark poured half of the sun quick while teacher Audrey also poured half of the syrup into it and mix it together. We try a little before we add the fruits, it's a little bit run out of taste, some of them were vomit for no reason, maybe they were playing? Finally, we add watermelons and green apples which they cut it into tiny pieces before that, it's taste more sweet! So, we just add the cold waters and ice until it full.
The drinks is settle, me and some of my friends went back to the hall and get some rest, actually the kitchen and the hall are just in the same building, we just need to go through a door. It's only left 1 hour before the program start, many of us still busying inside the kitchen while some of them having a 'small party' in front of the stage by playing a rock song and dancing^^.
Mean while, all of us have a quick meeting to settle the jobs for each of us, serve, greet/ticket receiver, prepare the foods and drinks, clear the table and wash the dishes after the program. Me & Mark and 3 other friends volunteer to be the ticket receiver, so we need to find an extra table to put it outside of the hall so we can be more easier to check the tickets without making any mistaken. 2 of us settle the Eastern Food's guest and the other 3 will settle the Western one. At this time, i only realized that im the only one who wearing a tie with punk style, some of them said they love my tie, i was like "Oh, thanks" with a weird feeling, LOL!
To Be Continue....
Cool. I wish I do the same thing! Haha!
i think tis kind of project is more fun than the stupid skul de, at least u can learn many things.
as 4 the skul 1, wat thing can u learn? learn how 2 copy? learn how 2 b a real lazy bump?
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