Monday, June 15, 2009

My New BFF

Haha! I found a new female BFF again, her name is Nina Tan, we never met before even we are study at the same school, hmm.... maybe we dont have fate, lol! She's kinda of funny when we chat in MSN, her nickname is '零' which was also the chinese title of Fatal Frame^^. Nina always like to say "I love you" to her best friends no matter they are boy or girl, for some reason, i love this kind of girl's friend instead of the cute one who always make me vomit =.=', i dont think they are cute, they just faking/acting.... Just be yourself girls....
My BFF List
Mark Ng
Kenneth Mun
Wen Sern
Cheng Yu
Nina Tan
Soo Juan
Mildred Wong
Jun Yi