Kevin Ryman~ A 31 year old Raccoon Police Department officer, Ryman works at the same central precinct as the STARS. He is an expert marksman and has won several trophies in local shooting tournaments, even surpassing several of his fellow officers including Chris Redfield. Ryman has failed the STARS selection process twice due to his anger issues and bad drinking habits. He is athletic, good with firearm
Cindy Lennox~ Cindy is a 24-year-old waitress at J's Bar in Raccoon City. With a sparkling smile and a wonderful personality, she brings in many customers. She always puts other people before herself ; she is also a fan of the Raccoon City Zoo Mascot "Mr. Raccoon" and collects several little things related to him. Cindy's special ability is that she can heal her friends using her herb case, which can hold three of each herb, and another space for combined herbs. She can also duck to avoid enemy attacks and , in File 2, when Cindy is carrying an injured ally, that character will also duck with Cindy so that both players avoid the attack.
Jim Chapman~ Jim Chapman is a 24 year old subway employee with a keen sense of intuition and a talent for problem-solving. While Jim is a friendly and cheerful person, he can also be very cowardly and will complain constantly when nervous or angry. Although he means no harm, Jim's personality tends to frustrate and annoy those around him. He is a highly intelligent person who enjoys nothing more than sitting down to a difficult crossword puzzle or other thought-provoking challenges to pass the time. Jim's special ability is that the enemies will rarely attack him. Jim is also equipped with his 'lucky' coin at the start of each scenario. This makes him more likely to get special events. He can also play dead by laying on the ground, fooling enemies.
David King~ A quiet plumber, David doesn't talk much about his past. It's not because he is unfriendly; he is simply a man of few words. David is fascinated by Japanese history and culture, especially in relation to strength and bushido. With his equipment, David can make new tools with old ones. He also has a folding knife in his tool kit which can be used as a melee weapon, and wrenches to use as projectiles.
George Hamilton~ One of Raccoon City's finest surgeons, George is a 39 year old who works at Raccoon General Hospital. George was, until recently, married for many years. As the game begins, George is attempting to cope with the breakup of his family and the stress of the long and difficult hours he works at the hospital. His special ability is making new medicines from herbs found in the field using his medical kit, which is in his inventory at the start of each scenario. He also has a counter attack move that allows him to dodge attacks and reply with a powerful tackle.
Mark Wilkins~ Currently working for a security company in Raccoon City, Wilkins is a 52 year old Vietnam war veteran. He cares about his family more than anything else and always does his best to protect those he cares for. He has good upper body strength that allows him to wield melee weapons well, he also starts each level in the game with a special gun that does more damage from far away than normal handguns do.
Alyssa Ashcroft~ Alyssa is a 28 year old who works as a journalist for local newspaper, The Daily Raccoon. She is fiercely competitive and enjoys nothing more than to beat her rivals to the scoop. With her strong personality, she is a sore loser who often clashes with others. Alyssa has a natural talent for shooting and an inquisitive nature that makes good use of her skills with a lock pick. An outstanding and often overzealous journalist, Ben Bertolucci is known to respect her tenacity, although this same ambition has occasionally cost him some prime headline material.
Due to her self-absorbed and workaholic lifestyle, Alyssa has very few friends and no current relationship. She once had a close colleague by the name of Kurt. However, Kurt was killed in a mysterious incident on the outskirts of the Arklay Mountains five years before the t-Virus outbreak in Raccoon City.

This is the 2nd map/scenario which i always get stuck in here....
My most favourite characters are, Yoko Suzuki, Cindy Lennox and Kevin Ryman, 3 of them make a perfect partner during the game!
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