I suggest that 2 of the students have to die before the game really started like the original version of Battle Royale, so i choose girl#9 Naomi Kakei as the first victim to 'game over'. The death design for her is the bomb in her collar detonated while she trying to refuse to take participate of this game, then her lover boy#20 Tsuneo Hinasaki will be the second victim, he stole a gun from one of the soldier and try to kill his teacher, Shugo Aoi (to take a revenge for his gf) but fail to do it when the other soldiers quickly shot him first till death.
By these following event, the remaining 40 students immediately agree to take participate to avoid from the death.
Nice? Lame?
Not bad. Best don't fully copy, LoL!
ya, hehe
but if no students die b4 the game start, they will think tat tis is juz a joke, n no 1 will play it seriously
LOL! Yea.
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