Still remember the horror survival story that i told you in the previous post? Well, i decided to twist the whole story to Japanese because there are some several problems in the previous one, the name that i given to the characters are kinda of weird, some of them sound like American while some of them sound like Asian (especially me and my cousins' name). The maps are also very complicated since the story is set inside a huge abandoned manor.
Now, there are no longer weird names and complicated maps, i change the characters name into Japanese and the map will set in an island called 'Seichi' (Holy Land). So far, i only confirm some of the characters from the original version who still will remain appear in this twist version with the same personality, in fact, i also added some several new characters;
Melisa Ten~ Minako Tendo 天堂 美奈子
Michelle Ten~ Miyoko Tendo 天堂 美代子
Jodi Valentine~ Haruka Shimizu 清水 悠
Vanessa Yoong~ Takako Sayuri 小百合 贵子
Me~ Kyo Kurosawa 黒澤 京
Wen Sern~ Shinichi Kobe 神戸 真一
Yoshinori Akio 義則 昭雄
Kris Branson
Of course there are more characters that will be update later, the story writing style is almost same like Forbidden Siren, it will switch to character to character and time to time as the story go on since everyone of them were at different location.
I almost finish Haruka's first episode who is the very first character to introduce to the readers. Actually, i cant wait to 'unlock' for my very own character, Kyo Kurosawa and Shinichi Kobe (Wen Sern), but since we are not that kind of VERY VERY important characters in the story, i think our appearance will take long.
HEHE! Nice! Hope my last name not kobe but wen LoL! You decide la, not my story ma! LoL!
only if i know wat's the meaning of Wen in Japanese, i'll try to search it anyway since the story havent tells about you yet.
ur character will begin wit me in my first episode as my partner inside the school(mayb will change) then we'll split up for some reason.
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