I received this facebook message from Blythe;
Subject: Sunday School Confirmation Camp :D
This is from Sandra, she wants to know who's coming and who's not. Reply here ASAP! Coz Sandra wants to know the numbers :D
Presenter: Fr Danny
Venue: St Thomas Church, Kuantan
Date: Nov 14 (evening) till Nov 17 (afternoon)
Cost: To be worked out
Pass the word around and get the confirmed numbers asap
*This guy probably feel very happy now since he put :D.....=.=
I dont really want to go to this stupid lame boring camp no matter the venue set in US or Japan.... Both of the camp from the previous are just suck like hell, nothing special at all (only the place is more high class during the 2nd's). The food that they prepared for us made me and Mark wanna shit, causing us to tahan until go back home because they always cook curry, curry and curry....
Actually according to our timetable, the third camp is suppose to be on next year, those mother fucker went to ask the teacher to have an additional camp for us.... Besides, it doesnt looks like a camp to me at all, it looks more like an outdoor lesson since we just go there and stuck in the church for a couple of days to learn different things about the world.... It just WASTING MY TIME!!!!! Urgh! i rather go to Gay Club or suicide....
Sienz lo! Everytime eat curry! LoL! I also cannot take it even take more then 10 mins LOL!
yea lo.... haiz...
i decided not to tell my mom about this (hope my teacher wont tell her), unless Mark is going, if he goes i go.
if he's not, then i'll try some excuse like going to ur house to escape from it XD
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