This Friday me and some of the friends (including all the Six/Sex Club members) are going to Lee Cheng's house to celebrate Moon Cake Festival, actually i dont really know what are they celebrating, because it doesnt looks like Moon Cake Festival Party to me, what Wen Sern said was it is, but who cares anyway, LOL XD.
They plan to BBQ outside his house, so we split some several ingredients that we need to buy to everyone except me, well at least im not going there in empty hands, they asked me to bring PS2 along and 9 BBQ's forks, so i think it would be very fun during that night, but whatever you imagine, it always end up with different thing which will make you dissapointed. LOL! It looks like only the 6 of us are the main characters since we have something to do for the party, while the others are just minor characters who come here just to eat.
This will be the second BBQ Party i attend so far, last time's party was at my girl's friend's house, not as fun as i expected, in fact, it was quite lame since we were just Standard 5, no 'hot' topic for us to discuss LOL! But my other friend told us a horror story when all of us sat around the BBQ grill, at the beginning it sounds so scary, but in the end it was actually just a joke =.=

LoL! I thoguth only 6 poepl but kinda many people attend. My 1st time BBQ too!
i also thought that only the 6 of us nia, but then suddenly got so many ppl going, but ok la, there were total of 11 or 12 ppl only so it's fine to me.
i attended 2 BBQ party so far, but i think tis 1 is better since all the guests are male (i hate to mix with girls which is very annoying)
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