Vanessa has confirmed that she can stay in my house but still dont know about Melisa and Michelle, if they're allow, we gonna follow our old plan, buy snacks and drinks to celebrate our birthday and Christmas at night while the adults have gone to bed. Well, we pretty sure we'll go to our grandma's house no matter what to eat lunch or dinner, this is like our daily activity everytime they come visit us.

Anyway, we will bring the whole Xbox and some games that we wanted to play like Hunter The Reckoning to our grandma's house, so that we wont be so boring to play PS2 for the whole time which is only for 2 players. My grandma's house has two TV's provide for us to plug the Xbox, actually there are more TV's and LCD's in the house, just only we're not allow to use, lol! We decided to use the 2nd floor living room's TV, because it's more bigger than the others, so if we play those multi split-screens games like Halo and Crash Nitro Kart, it wont be too mini and barely hard to see.
Once back to my house, we'll depends if the babies are staying at my place, we going out to the nearby Roti Canai stall like Tmn Rakan and Cuepacs to "minum teh" instead of eat snacks. However, if the babies are not going to stay, we'll eat snacks.
If Wen Sern could join us, we will play UNO together, see who will be the next UNO Master, lol! This time im gonna find more people to join us since we used to play elimination style, i need at least 8 or 10 people.

Is that you? LoL! BIG Bro! Song la you all. If I nothing to do at house, watching TVs or having dinner with parent only, not boring and not interesting either.
yea, i was checking some porn stuff with Vanessa XD no la, im not tat pervert, LOL!
Currently, i having the same fate with you, repeat and repeat again... this is why i hated holiday =.=
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