If you play with me and my cousin sisters, our rules are quite interesting and more incentive because we play in elimination (unless there are only a few people join the game), which is also the only way to make everyone to play in 'serious mode', im sure you guys scared to be a loser right? So, how are we going to eliminate the players in the game? First thing first, we play the game as usual until one of us win the match, then the rest of the players have to count their remaining cards and record it on a piece of paper, the player who own the most cards, OUT! Just in case if two players (or more) happen to have the same equal of cards, we will count the points instead, the one who get the highest points, BYE BYE! The point goes like this;
Wild Draw Four and Wild Cards = 50 points each
Draw two, Skip and Reverse Cards = 20 points each
The rest of the cards according to their number, if the card shows 9, that means 9 points
Of course not every round someone will going to eliminate from the game, we added some bonus match called "none-elimination round", which means this match nobody is going to eliminate no matter how many cards they have, but still, players have to fight for their survival to not be the last one in the name list (who got the most cards in the end of the game), because during the next round, another random dangerous rule will provide for the only player who got the most cards in the last game (the N. E) for surviving from the elimination back then, i used to called that player as penalty player.
The dangerous rules are limited cards, the penalty player's maximum cards is 14, if more than 14, he/she gets eliminated immediately, however, the rest of the players continue the game until they found a winner. Another one is the penalty player has to win the game first before the others do, or else he/she will add 3 more cards in the end of the game during the countcalation, if you dont have confidence to win the game, just keep your cards as low as you can, so even you add 3 more cards, you'll still be save (hopefully). At least this always works on me.
If only left 3 players in the game, we called them the "final three" which means this is the final battle between the remaining 3 of them, one of them will become the UNO Master. Some other rules are;
- You cannot cooperate with other player like they usually do in school in order to draw his/her cards
- You are not allow to take 2 or more cards at once from the pile like Jun Meng did =.=
- Once you join the game, you cannot quit unless you get eliminated or survive until the final round
I also felt weird the way they play in school. May be they play poker cards too much. I also like elimination game. I cincai la, play with friends already fun!
not juz weird, it's totally bullshit on whatever they say. I think they juz trying to end the game faster than usual.
elimination is the only way to test whether you're a great player or not. Sadly, from primary until now, none of them in skul agree with tis kind of game, i knw they juz scared to be a loser...
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