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As you know, Avenger is the strongest hunter compare with the others, but too bad his speed is kinda of slow because of his muscle, i think. I dont really like to use those character who has an average speed like him in every games, that's why you'll notice that i like to use female character all the time. I'll leave this Hunter to Michelle, because she's the weakest player among the 4 of us.
Defender, Wen Sern's personal favourite Hunter because of her weapon, Katana. I used to play as her when the first time i played this game with the same reason of Wen Sern, but due to her power is quite boring (to heal life), i abandoned her character, lol! Defender plays an important Hunter in the first game since there's no cheat for us to heal our life unlike the third game, Redeemer. So, i guess she can be only uses by Melisa, im pretty sure she'll knows what to do with the power when we need it without shouting.
Judge is the third strongest Hunter in the team, he has everything normal from strength to speed to stamina. Judge is my 2nd favourite Hunter next to Martyr, i love his blue laser beam that can kill the monsters in one shot, plus his crossbow can kill the vampires in one or two shots too. Vanessa should use him, although im very worry about her aim skill while using the laser =.=
Im the only one left to use Martyr, i will never let anyone to use her because she can dies very easily than you expect. Martyr has an incredible speed though she's the weakest Hunter, besides, whenever you use the power, it will cost amount of her life, that's why it's very dangerous for the girls to use her.Hunter The Reckoning is 2 times more fun than Hunter The Reckoning: Redeemer although the graphic is slightly different. I love the first installment because the bosses are very interesting to fight since you have to run around the map in order to avoid their attack, the Redeemer series you dont have to run around but stand still because the bosses wont come and chase you, which is very boring...
LoL! The game will become better if this game can make your own avatar! XD
yea XD
i thought the same thing too when the first time i play this game, we both have the same idea.
It would be more great if it's in FPS mode and split screen. i hated it when all 4 players share in the same screen, kinda of annoying if your teammates dunno the meaning of co-op
Yea, these types of game must teamwork! Teamwork RULES!
have to choose the right partner/player, sometimes they juz being selfish not to help u while u're dying, this one is ok. more worst is, they nvr listened to u when u shout them to come here, tat is so dulan.
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