Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I have a very difficult detour to choose now, either going to watch 2012 the movie with my family or BFFs.

Well, me, Wen Sern and Cheng Yu already planned to watch 2012 together earlier before my eldest brother does. Besides, this will be the last time for Cheng Yu to watch movie with us since he's going to move to Johor Bharu no longer soon, this is a must-go-time.

As for the family's date, my mother wanted to watch this movie badly (i think it's because the movie has something to do with Christian). So, Daniel plans to bring us to watch it together, this may be the last time to watch movie in the cinema with them, you know, my parents are not that kind of movie fans, so this also consider as must-go-time.

The choices are like life and death matter

what should i do??? I never met this kind of situation before...


Anonymous said...

LOL! My mom want to see it. Weird.

Deric Adrian said...

lol! im going to watch it for the 2nd time XD

maybe nxt Sunday