Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Celebration (part 2)

The next day, almost half of us woke up at around 1 something afternoon as we thought it's still morning, we were like "OMG! Time really flies so fast!".

Anyway, we went to take a bath right after we tidied up the bed, we ate a couple of kuih as our breakfast and quickly ran upstairs to continue our "HUNT" in a mean time. We managed to defeat the Teddy Bear Boss this time by inserting the full weapon cheat, lol! But still also no use since we only left 3 lives, we knew we cant make it to the prison level anyway, so decided to gave up and play the Redeemer instead.

Before that, we went to eat our lunch together with the other family members, my grandma used the chickens from last night to fried it, not much, but everyone still can at least eat one, lol! We took a few minutes rest inside our grandma's room, we chat a little, of course, while Melanie playing a Yahoo game called "Plants VS Zombies" by using her laptop, sadly, it ran out of battery when she almost done on that level XD.

Later, we went upstairs again to continue our game. We had no problem at all in the Redeemer series since i set the game to easy, we have plenty of lives too, i think 32 or 34, so we can die as much as we like, lol! During the Santa Claus Boss fight, we felt so pity to him that today is Christmas, and now we have to kill a Santa Claus and his "assistant", who is a Teddy Bear. We finished the game in 5 hours+ until like 7 or 8 p.m., i realised that the Redeemer is more shorter than the first installment, it's quite boring though.

The next game that we played was Crash Nitro Kart, the first match still remained the 4 of us until the second match which Jason replaces Michelle, everyone also joined us too, just watching us playing and wondering around who is who since it's quite confusing.

I went back home after i took my dinner, everyone were like no longer active anymore since we play the Xbox for the whole day long, now i just waiting for Chinese New Year XD

*Sorry for not posting any picture on it due to my camera is dead...


Anonymous said...

LoL! Whole day playing O_O! I sure tire like hell. Only the eyes. Haha!

Deric Adrian said...

Yea lo, haha!