This year i enter class "A" , yeah, the name sounds like an intelligent class, but actually it has nothing special at all, lol! Our class has only 3 additional subjects, Sain Pertanian, Ekonomi and Prinsip Akaun. To me, learning those subjects are just like learning sakai language which is not important at all, i mean, i want to be a film director/editor/writer, not scientist or accountant, it just totally wasting my time....
Anyway, i get to know four more new friends when i enter that class, they're Wen Sern, Pai Kai, Lee Cheng and Kah Chin, in fact, Tiong Hong, who was my ex-classmate also joined us few days later after Kelei transfer to class "G" for unknown reason. Our gang was known as The Six/Sex Club since they're six of us, the name was given by Wen Sern, very creative right? LOL!
During our Sain Pertanian class, we were introduced by a new teacher/friend, Cikgu Marliana who very understand us for what we want and what we dont want, too bad she was transfer to other school after that and leaving us to a teacher from hell, Cikgu Mazlan (the pic below) . We spent almost the whole year fooling around rather than learning something new from teachers, but some of us still managed to get high marks in exam, someone like Pai Kai and Kah Chin.
Time really flies so fast, 2009 is almost over and 2010 is coming shortly, dont know why i always hope that the school year wont be end that fast.

COOL that you did falshback! Lots of memories. Haiz. Yup, they said Form 4 is honeymooon year, I so not into this! But totally a relaxing year for me. When teacher teach, I was like huuh? Sleeping or talking to you guys! XD
hehe! there are still alot of fun stuff i havent mention, too lazy to write and think XD
yea,such a great memories to cherish it
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