Friday, December 11, 2009

Cold War

This is the 4th week of the lame and boring holidays, since my cousins had gone back to Kelantan, my rest of the days only spend on watching movies or playing games.

I just found another interesting Xbox game that i never played before as i thought it must be a suckie game, the name is Cold War. These game is almost similar with Splinter Cell and a little bit of Fatal Frame, just only you dont have those special gadget or action to help you. You play as a reporter/journalist who has a very special camera with the function of X-ray and some kind of killer flashlight, once you take a picture of an enemy, they'll fainted or maybe died, not so sure, and of course it has a limited "film" for you.

Although this game has nothing different from Splinter Cell since it's a stealth adventure game too, but i've to say that Cold War is 3 times more harder than SC. First of all, you dont have any weapon like pistol or sniper like SC does, you have to find some items and combine it to become a non-illegal weapon if the objective tells you not to kill (rubber gun, plastic gun etc). Besides, you cant take everything you found too, it has a limited space for your character, forcing you to give up some items that you really wanted.

This is ok to me, but the most annoying thing in the game is, whenever you knocked down an enemy, you have to inject him with some kind of drug medicine to let him sleep, if you just ignore the them, they'll wake up in very soon, and once again, the drug medicine has limited bottles. There's one action that you can never found on SC, that's the ability to hide, you can hide under the table or inside a closet etc... I dont really know it's helpful or not since i never hide before.

This game sometimes can makes me jump due to the sudden attack from the enemy, you dont have those goggles like in SC to help you, so it's kinda of hard to see when you're in a very dark room (this game is more darker than SC). I currently still stuck at level 4 or 5, in a Russian prison, i dont really know what im playing because i just wandering around the map and get killed XD, just very hard...


Anonymous said...

Wa! Look like manhunt! Manhunt more violent! I heard that you after kill a man and later you cut his head off and then put the hand inside the head and make it look like it still alive talking to another people. XD

Deric Adrian said...

LOL! I heard that too! That's y sometimes i want to buy that game, but after i seen the trailer and a couple of gameplay, i decided not to buy due to the graphic...

i rather ask my bro download the Xbox version, i trusted the Xbox version more than PS2 XD

Anonymous said...

yea. But last time saw manhunt 2 in PS2 ok. isaw my friends playing it. So damn violent XD!

Deric Adrian said...

I see, lol!