Whew! My holiday suddenly came back alive again after i went to Wen Sern's house the other day, too bad one of us was absent due to his "trip" to JB, dont know why we always end up only two or three people play the Xbox while i've four controllers now =.=
First of all, me and Wen Sern played Halo 2 for a little flashback, but we played the Campaign Mode instead of Split Screen since there were only the two of us playing, that was the second time we played in Heroic Mode which was also the second time we gave up half way throughout the game, this is because it's too difficult for both of us, lol!
Mean while, we decided to played Kung Fu Chaos which is the most craziest and funniest kung fu fighting game in the world. Wen Sern played as Monkey (a.k.a. God of monkey) while i played as Xui Tan Sour (a.k.a. sweet and sour), both of us were in the same team to defeat the other two computers. Once we're done a scenario, we will rewatch our gameplay again in a movie form like the picture above, it's quite cool and funny too, lol!

Some of the scenarios are more funnier than the others such as the water wheel and iceberg (pictures above), especially when you set the speed to super fast, it's so freaking FUNNY although it makes the game more harder, but sadly, both of these scenes are very short :(

Of course there are more scenarios which are quite fun too, just not as fun as the mini games above. After the first team match, Huey decided to joined us in free-for-all game, which means all of us are on our own instead of team. Wen Sern played as Xui Tan Sour during the second match, Huey played as Monkey and i played as Lucy Cannon (loose cannon) . The game is more crazier while playing in three players and a computer, we laugh and shout all the time throughout the game, when one of us is using the ulti power, we were like "NO!!!"
The third and the last game that we played was Hunter The Reckoning, another very interesting multiplayer game for Xbox. Wen Sern played as Defender, the first girl from the left while Huey played as Avenger, beside Defender and i played as Martyr, the last chick. All of us made a great teammate, especially Wen Sern, he knows how to use "her" ulti power (a.k.a. edge) without we asking him, but he asked us instead.
We got our second edge after defeated the first boss at the school area which took us quite a time to defeat him. Wen Sern's second edge is the power of defence, once he activate it, some pink and violet aura will surrounding his character, then none of the monsters dare to attack or go near him, quite useful right? The Avenger's second edge is the power of fire, he will punch the ground and a fire of circle will be formed to burn the nearby enemies. For me, when i activate the second edge, a pink aura will surrounded Martyr, whenever the monsters attack me, all the effects will reflect back upon to them instead, act as a force field.
It's very funny to team up with them, i hope "he" can join us someday playing as Judge, but still a little bit worry about his level if we continue our game file.
LoL! When Cheng Yu come, scare he don't want and wanted to start all over again leh. Haha! Now his back, but we now abit busy liao. Hope one day we can play together again.
yea lo! but our lives only left 2 or 3, joining him is more teruk, plus his level is very low, i guess the monster hit him one time, it already cost him half of the health.
actually most of this happened bcoz we din play it seriously at the beginning of the stages, we died to many times XD
I think we must replay it. LoL! must keep fighting to the boss lo.
LOL! I only afraid the Teddy Boss, when he vomits, it's enough to kill us all!!
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