Saturday, June 19, 2010

Consoles War

As you know, Xbox 360 is going up to a whole new level where you play game without using any controllers. I read many stupid comments which obviously posted by the PS3 fan boys on all over the YouTube videos that regarded to Xbox.

Im sorry, but they are just trying to make themselves a fool. I mean, that technology hasnt even officially released yet and they keep giving negative comments on it. I couldnt assure whether they're just jealous because PS3 doesnt own this or maybe it is really suck. By the end of the day, all of us dont have the qualification to judge it since we never tried before.

Some even worst, they brought up PC to this war. I was like"WTF?" Console games can easily defeat PC in multiple ways. And some of them even proclaimed that this technology is completely a rip off from Nintendo Wii. I've to say that those people are just stupid, they dont know nothing and still insisted to bark like a dog.

That technology was in development before the other HD consoles even came out! It took them 20 years to create this technology. Oh gosh, these people need some serious help. And dont get me wrong, i've to admit that PS3 is quite good too. If it wasnt because the game discs are way too expensive, i probably want to buy that too ;)

There's no way for you to get a cetak rompak game disc for the PS3 console, because the console only supports with HD Blue Ray disc, which is why they cost so highly expensive.


Anonymous said...

People are being so racist. They just can't let go of it.

I personally think PS3 is really expensive with the blue-ray disc. Xbox 360 still worth it. PC nice when it comes to use modding characters in game. LoL! Every thing has it own uses.

I hope I can get a nice PC that's fit me and a console. LoL!

Deric Adrian said...

Yea, real expensive. But many ppl said that the blue ray is bullshit, lol.