Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Re-Teenage LifeStyle

After more than one week of discussion about our daytrip to Times Square and Sungei Wang, i can tell that some of us are not willing to take participate to this activity. In other hand, they were just showing their reputation to us.

I disliked their attitude for being a follower type, they frequently have to follow other people's feeling to decide whether they want to participate or not, like if he goes, then they'll go, if not, they'll decline it.

It's very annoying and giving us trouble to plan a proper schedule for the trip due to their answers that can be changed in every 5 minutes. This daytrip was meant to be enjoyed together, but instead, we're splitting the gang into 2 groups as some of us intending to attempt a different activity than the others.

There's one more thing that i still dont understand about them, how come they never wanted to watch Shrek IV (except for the girls)? I mean, do they really have a wonderful childhood life? Because of this, half of us are not planning to watch movie, they would just hanging around the mall 'till the movie ended.

Im sorry, but by making this decision just make yourself a fool. Come on guys, my cousins in Kelantan are dead dying to watch this cartoon in 3D and they cant barely had a chance to do it. You guys are different but you still claim that the cartoon was only for kids... I wonder how are they going to survive when they have kids of their own?

Life's short, try to experience everything even the cost is quite expensive, i could ensure that more than half of us never watched a 3D movie before. If you never wanted to try, how could you know how exciting does a 3D movie is? This is why i rather spend my 100 ringgit which originally save for my Xbox 360 on the indoor theme park in Times Square. I just wanna know how does it feels when i ride a roller coaster as i never rode before.

Besides that, some of them are just wasting their time if they join the karaoke team. I mean, that kind of activity can be attempted in Jusco which is quite near from where we're staying. Why cant they try something that cant be easy to do it daily?


Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say that every human being is not the same. Sometimes i felt going out with them, it will be a problem.

Example, Shrek movie. I love it so do the kids if they understand the jokes. But why not others. Hong worst, "you go and I will follow" attitude is hard for him in the future.

Because some of them, I less interested to go out with them. Better off I stayed at home. Karaoke, Jusco also go la, or better at home which free ofeverything, when you wanna shit, you shit, when you want to eat you eat. Right?

Deric Adrian said...

Correction, not sometimes but ALWAYS. Mainly because of LC & Hong, both of them were born with the same attitude.

If they dun wan to watch 3D, fine. If they dun wan to enter the theme park but choose the karaoke instead, sori, they're just wasting their time. They should go to Jusco or The Mines, not TS.