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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Obscure 2 Deleted Scene
click here <<<to watch it now!
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, October 28, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saints' Name
Now you must be very confuse about what the hell is Saint and Confirmation? Well, the meaning of Saint is Holy/Good/Pure, if people out there called you Saint like Saint Alan, that's mean you just like a God to them, you are a very very very very very good person, you would sacrifice yourself for God or people without thinking whether it's worth or not, a.k.a Martyr.
Confirmation for us Christian students normally means, graduation from the Sunday School. But what's the truth meaning i dont really know, lol! I only know that if you dont perform this ceremony, you cant get marry in church, showing the result that you're not a Christian=.=
I found a website which list out all the boys and girls' Saints' Names, it also got tell us who are they and when or how did they died. Seriously, i realized that their death is very painful, some of them were torture to death, some of them were starved to death for a kid@~@
Anyway, i picked up some several names that are very suitable for me, i mean very suitable for my last name, Loh. They are Fabian, Damien/Damian, Eric/Erik/Erich, Adrian, Alexander and Aaron. One of this names will become my second official name, lol! So after the ceremony, i have two names instead of one, lol! You can call me either Deric or....
I think Damien/Damian (both of this names are different people) will be the biggest chance for me to pick, i can find more information about them than the others. This is because we have to do a research about the person that we picked, not like you can pick whatever or whoever you want without knowing the Saint person, and this is apart from the Sunday School Project which may help us add extra marks in our exam.

These is Saint Damien, who also known as Father Damien. He was born on January 3, 1840 but died on April 14, 1889 at the age of 49 in Hawaii. I wonder why all those Saints people always died in a young age...?

No need to think much, these is his grave in Hawaii

Saint Damian (right) and his twin brother, Saint Cosmas were known as the protector of children, the brothers were born in the 3rd century....

These is the grave of the Saints Twins, inside that gold box(?) contain the twins' skulls=.=
Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sudden But Surprising

Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, October 22, 2009 3 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What A Coincidence!
Besides, only Cheng Yu and Tiong Hong went to my grandma's house before, no one else, so i can 100% sure that his new house is just right there! After he move in, im sure he will know my grandma no longer soon, when there is a party or something, they (i mean my grandma) will invite the neighbourhood to join in, of course not all :D
Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2 comments
Movie Time!

Posted by Deric Adrian at Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Here Comes The Chaos Again!

Few hours later, we began to played Orochi Warrior following the plan that we had made yesterday. We played the SW which stand for Samurai Warrior's story in Story Mode. At first we were like "....." but after unlock some several warriors, our confident gain more until we act like a pro warrior instead of normal teenager player, we used to discuss the map first before we start the war, for where i or he should go while the other one can go other places in order to complete the mission faster, or maybe wipe out our enemies and seize the base faster.

Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4 comments
New Month New Item
Posted by Deric Adrian at Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here Comes The Chaos!

Wow, we spent half of the day in Halo, lol! Luckily we found a new Halo player, and it a SHE! The next game which was the last game for the siblings was Kung Fu Chaos as i just mentioned it just now, we couldnt stop laughing in this game. The PC was very pity because he always got beaten up by us every single time, caused him got the last place everytime (except once), leaving the top 3 places for us fight to get first place. This is the first time i seen a player who never used ulti (i always say power) but she still can get first place, actually Wen Sern almost got it if he still have time to kill 2 more times.
The most funniest fight scene was at the iceberg where they have to bang each other down from the berg until they lose their live, it ended up the PC won because all three of them fell down together, lol! Also the first time i ever seen this, like You Jump I Jump, dialogue from the Titanic movie, ahahahahahaha! After some fighting scene, Wen Sern and Huey went back home while me and Cheng Yu continue making the Kung Fu movie, each time the game ended, we will watch our gameplay again like a movie version, that's why sometimes you can see some camera mans around the map, we also saved some of the 'movie' that we had made, so we can watch it again whenever we want, lol!

Before Cheng Yu went back home, we played Samurai Warrior, which remind us of Orochi Warrior that we havent complete yet, so Cheny Yu planning to come over here again to finish it.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Monday, October 12, 2009 6 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Unlocked Characters In Forbidden Siren (part 2)
Posted by Deric Adrian at Saturday, October 10, 2009 3 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Stay-A-Night Roommate II
The story begins with me and Cheng Yu who went to The Mines for nothing, i was actually planning to get the Xbox controller that i returned back to the seller to fix it, but in the end i only got one thing back, "anger". That moron seller said it hasnt finish fixing yet, ask me to wait, i was like "WTF!?", if hasnt finish, why cant they just sms and tell me first??
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, October 09, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009

The second time we play again, i choose Fatal Frame 2 which is more easier than the previous one, we only spent 19 minutes and 5 seconds to complete. The puzzle is very fun to play since we have to team work, me and Christina really enjoy it.

Posted by Deric Adrian at Sunday, October 04, 2009 4 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Moon Cake Festival Party (part 2)
Mean while, we immediately learned how to poke the chicken wing with the BBQ forks by *dunno how to spell his name*, it was the very first time that i actually grab the meat with my hand which is very gross. We went to the BBQ grill and start burning it, it was pretty fun although it's kinda of hot at there, i dont really know how much time we had spent on grilling the chicken wing, it was like 40 minutes something.

Too bad, i dont really used to play this kind of game in PS2 version, it's ok to me if we can use the analog stick to control the character, but for some how, they dont allow us... After i watched Pai Kai and Wen Sern's 'cheat match', a real King Of Fighter's player had arrived, he can attack them with ulti easily, this kinda remind me of my 2nd brother and his friend (forgot his name). I went back home at 10 something almost 11 with Wen Sern, i thought that i will be the first one to go, but no, someone went back home earlier than me.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, October 02, 2009 3 comments
New Character
I decided to add one more female character in Blood Curse, her name will given as Rika Kotone 琴音 泉, she may be the only character who own one single episode (a.k.a chapter) which looks like a side story more than main, so i consider her as alternative character while the others (except Minako and Kenji) consider as suporting characters.
Now, there are total of 12 characters with 7 females and 5 males, O, OH, looks like the girls defeated us boys 0_o, but dont worry, mostly the girls died first before we boys do, lol! Im still thinking the death scene for some several characters, any idea? Please dont give me those super gruesome and ridiculous death, this is not Final Destination, thank you. I just want something creative and stealth but less gruesome like Paris Hilton's death scene in House Of Wax.
Posted by Deric Adrian at Friday, October 02, 2009 2 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So Close!!!

I only saw it when im going to take the soap, i was like "OMFG!!" then i quickly used the shower thing to splashed it, LOL!! This is the first time i defend myself with the shower thing, it was so FREAKING embarrassing=.=
Posted by Deric Adrian at Thursday, October 01, 2009 2 comments