After i get back home after school today, i went up to the second floor to switch on the air-conditional. Suddenly, a familiar face came in, it's my second brother, Dennis... I think we have at least half year plus never met or talked with each other, i was like nothing to say. To be honest, my mind was thinking that why he has to come back here? Like he doesnt even deserve here...

Later on, our relationship return back to the past years again, we chat none stop, from one topic to one topic. He told me that he bought a PSP but still in repairing progress for the analog stick, which has a little bit problem.
Weird taht he suddenly came back. He look fat? Because last time I saw his picture, he look kinda fat. I wonder where he work at.
yea lo, i dun really wan him to come back XD
forgot to answer u, yea, but not too fat, like Lee Cheng's size gua
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