It was only took us few minutes before we reached the indoor of The Mines. First thing first, of course we immediately proceed to the cinema to book the ticket first, but we having a math problem right there, which made us look like buying drug more than ticket, you know, druggie used to gather around when they buying drug, we did the same thing too, just only without drug XD. After the problem had solved and we got our tickets, we went to the stupid motherfucker PC shop again, i was hoping that i can get the controller back, but sadly no....
im using witch craft *burn their shop! burn their shop for fooling a GOTH!! Kill their family!*
Anyway, we spent a couple of minutes wandering around the shop, we also discussed some game too (no offence, we're boys) and i accidentally saw a (maybe) hentai game, the title is "Costume Fetish Academic", hahaha! I cant believe i still remember the title, lol!
Mean while, we went back to the cinema since the time is almost there, we managed to catch up before the last advertisement ended after we bought our drinks and only drink.
couple of hours later.....
The movie finally ended with good ending, it also taught us some good moral lessons. All of us always talk about the movie after that, mostly were about which scene that shocked us. Before we go home, we went back to the 'cursed shop' again for Tiong Hong to buy him a PC controller, im so surprised that the fat seller knows about the controller when Tiong Hong asked him, but im sure they're too dumb to know about games especially "Halo".
When we were waiting for the bus, we were randomly chatting with many kind of topics until the bus came, but we refused it since they're too many people on it. So we continue our topic again. During that time, that Cheng Yu always shout the bus is coming but actually it's just a truck, it always make us like "really?! where? where?" =_=
In the end, the bus finally came, luckily we didnt made the wrong decision for riding the last bus which full of people, because the later bus that we ride was fewer passengers, lol!
LoL! Another good movie to be watch! At first I thoguth it would be boring at first and good at the end but it's good infront and cool at back! LoL! But sometims got some scene which is shocking because of the sound! XD
yea, actually i dun really wan to watch it either , haha! but after i watch the trailer, i got 40% wan to watch, now increase to 80%
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