I decided to add one more female character in Blood Curse, her name will given as Rika Kotone 琴音 泉, she may be the only character who own one single episode (a.k.a chapter) which looks like a side story more than main, so i consider her as alternative character while the others (except Minako and Kenji) consider as suporting characters.
Now, there are total of 12 characters with 7 females and 5 males, O, OH, looks like the girls defeated us boys 0_o, but dont worry, mostly the girls died first before we boys do, lol! Im still thinking the death scene for some several characters, any idea? Please dont give me those super gruesome and ridiculous death, this is not Final Destination, thank you. I just want something creative and stealth but less gruesome like Paris Hilton's death scene in House Of Wax.
A new character. Who is she? Your cousin? Hard to think a death scene. A black aura grab her then take her in and die. < worst death scene. LOL!
self invented character.
i need the death scene that has sumtin to do with head or throat
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