Friday, October 2, 2009

Moon Cake Festival Party (part 2)

So, today was the day when we had our Moon Cake Festival Party, i think i was the 2nd last person to arrived Lee Cheng's house due to the bloody jam during the destination. Anyway, when me and Wen Sern arrived to his house, we were like "now what?" just like the day when he came to stay over night at my house, lol!

Mean while, we immediately learned how to poke the chicken wing with the BBQ forks by *dunno how to spell his name*, it was the very first time that i actually grab the meat with my hand which is very gross. We went to the BBQ grill and start burning it, it was pretty fun although it's kinda of hot at there, i dont really know how much time we had spent on grilling the chicken wing, it was like 40 minutes something.

Finally, my chicken wing is ready to be serve, but i felt so sorry to Wen Sern that he dropped his one while trying to butter it, forcing him to grill another one, of course we wont waste the chicken wing that he dropped by throwing it into the dustbin, Lee Cheng went to fed the dog instead, lol! I tried my first self-grill chicken wing, it taste good but a little bit salty.... Besides, some of the part got burned until very black too, like the Black Aura from Obscure infected the chicken wing XD.

I also did grill the hotdog and fish ball too, it's way more faster and easier to get 'infected by the Black Aura' than the chicken wing, the taste also the same, salty. In the mean time, the party split into 2 groups, indoor and outdoor, the indoor group only busying playing PS2 while the other group continue eating and grilling. Well, since the food still left so much, we decided to grill all of it and eat together, but in the end, i think Pai Kai was the one who ate that much.
After we clean up the table, the party move to living room where they're playing football game, which is so freaking boring.... This is also the first time i saw Pai Kai, Kah Chin and Lee Cheng play PS2, dont know why i always like to examine new people play game, lol! Mean while again, Lee Cheng decided to play poker while the rest of us have a chance to play PS2 with the game that we wanted to play, King Of Fighter.

Too bad, i dont really used to play this kind of game in PS2 version, it's ok to me if we can use the analog stick to control the character, but for some how, they dont allow us... After i watched Pai Kai and Wen Sern's 'cheat match', a real King Of Fighter's player had arrived, he can attack them with ulti easily, this kinda remind me of my 2nd brother and his friend (forgot his name). I went back home at 10 something almost 11 with Wen Sern, i thought that i will be the first one to go, but no, someone went back home earlier than me.


Anonymous said...

LoL! That party is fun at the begining but boring in the end. But at least then at home just looking at your PC. LOL!

Deric Adrian said...

LOL! totally boring at the end, actually i already knew it will bcome like tis, coz every party i attended always like tat de.

at first, we were "hahaha! wohoo! yeah!"
middle time" hahaha.... wohoo.... yeah....
in the end "=.="

Anonymous said...

All predicted! LoL