LOL! I dont know how to describe today's day, because it has too much of epic and funny event.
First thing first, when Wen Sern and his sister, Huey were arrived at my house, i was playing Forbidden Siren in Harumi Yomoda's mission, but failed to complete it when an inu shibito came and caught the poor but brave little girl, actually i was the one who screwed her live, lol! Since i dont really have mood to play again, so i changed the console back to Xbox which we played Halo 2 Multiplayer Mode.
But the battle not yet started until Huey finished custom her master chief, she puts the name as Motor, im not sure why, maybe she loves motor? Whatever. At the beginning, Huey has a problem of searching us, and she seems like very easily to get lost.
*Normal Slayer
This was just the beginning of the game, so we only spent most of the time to trained Huey while only me and Wen Sern really get into the game, but she still managed to killed me 2 or 3 times, one of them were hit me by the car=.= Then sometimes those siblings suddenly team up to get the rid out of me.
*Rocket Oddball
This match was quite fast, i think only within 5 minutes. As usual, whoever gets the oddball for about 3 minutes (we changed the rule) will win the whole match. There was nothing special to talk about it, it's quite boring in this game.
*Rocket Slayer
LOL! Now this is the funniest and craziest match that we had so far, it looks like there is no one that has the problem for using the Rocket Launcher, only sometimes we accidentally press the fire button then kill our own self instead. I have to say that when you play the Rocket game, you will at least ask yourself "What was just happened?" as you were bomb by the Rocket from nowhere, it is so suddenly!! Just like one time when i managed to killed Wen Sern, then suddenly "BOMB!!" im dead, i realized that actually Huey was just beside me... Hmm... she stole my skill.
During this match, Cheng Yu replaced me while i went to watch Youtube. Im not sure who won the game since i dont really paid full attention to their gameplay, maybe just 30%. I realized that Cheng Yu was quite good at sniping, he can snipe his opponent even though they are jumping!! There were two times really made me LOL, one is when Cheng Yu driving the car trying to hit the other 2, Wen Sern and Huey jump over it to avoid, then Cheng Yu turned back again and they jump over it again, lol! It was like Crash when facing a boss. The next one was Cheng Yu said "Ye... 那妹妹来顶哦" to Wen Sern, that really made me wanna IMAO!!
*Campaign Coop Mode
Well, since this mode only allow two players to play (why microsoft wont do a total of 4 players?!!), only Cheng Yu and Huey played it, but then Cheng Yu passed it to Wen Sern before we played Kung Fu Chaos. History back to Huey again, she seems got lost many times in the game, i think she should practice more and get used to it.
Wow, we spent half of the day in Halo, lol! Luckily we found a new Halo player, and it a SHE! The next game which was the last game for the siblings was Kung Fu Chaos as i just mentioned it just now, we couldnt stop laughing in this game. The PC was very pity because he always got beaten up by us every single time, caused him got the last place everytime (except once), leaving the top 3 places for us fight to get first place. This is the first time i seen a player who never used ulti (i always say power) but she still can get first place, actually Wen Sern almost got it if he still have time to kill 2 more times.
The most funniest fight scene was at the iceberg where they have to bang each other down from the berg until they lose their live, it ended up the PC won because all three of them fell down together, lol! Also the first time i ever seen this, like You Jump I Jump, dialogue from the Titanic movie, ahahahahahaha! After some fighting scene, Wen Sern and Huey went back home while me and Cheng Yu continue making the Kung Fu movie, each time the game ended, we will watch our gameplay again like a movie version, that's why sometimes you can see some camera mans around the map, we also saved some of the 'movie' that we had made, so we can watch it again whenever we want, lol!
Before Cheng Yu went back home, we played Samurai Warrior, which remind us of Orochi Warrior that we havent complete yet, so Cheny Yu planning to come over here again to finish it.
It's been a great day again. If my sis everytime play HALO, I think both of us kena shot everytime lo! LoL!
LOL! a female Halo player will gain more crazinest during the gameplay! (of course they must b a good player)
ur sis 100% got tat HALO "fate" haha! since she can play FPS mode shooting game in PC, sure she can do it in console, yea, she needs to play more until she used to it.
nxt time v should try Halo 1, i already getting tired of Halo 2 maps
O, btw... Asian girls can be a better Halo player than those barbies in Western.
However, Asian boys can be more funnier than the boys in Western, i dun understand y those Western boys take games (especially Halo) so seriously, juz a little bit only then called ppl noob, u can see tat in Youtube
on second thought, Halo 1 sucks in multiplayer mode, lol! Not many gameplay like Halo 2
LoL! That's why Asian better then Western. Just like TAR and TARA! yea la, abit then angry then call people noob. Himself/herself more noob. I think is impossible if my sis coming again. Now all she do it playing facebook's game.
yea, only noob ppl will call ppl noob
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