Monday, March 8, 2010


If i could reverse the time, i rather back to when i was Form 4 to change the history, so i wont introduced by the world three most annoying people in my life!
Yes, i was talking about Nina, Christina
(Nina's younger sister) and Harry. Im not trying to be mean, but i cant stand them anymore. Even though we didnt really hang out together in real life, three of them are too powerful to annoy me on MSN!

Nina usually likes to post stupid comments on FaceBook. It was ok to me at first, but the more she posted, the more i hate it! I mean, if you had no word to say, then why dont you just do yourself a favor? DONT FREAKING COMMENT!! i really wanted to slap her you know? She claims that she's a shy girl, but i dont think that was her true colour! How come a shy girl could talk so much on MSN and handphone??

Besides, she usually likes to send stupid and lame YouTube video to me, she says that video is very funny, but the weird thing is, i dont find any funny thing on it, my whole face was like -_- Is this how she spends her time on surfing the net? Busying searching for lame videos?? Even a Gay Porn movie also 100 times better than hers.

Christina, this girl should send to hell instead of wasting the rice to feed her! This girl has some attitude problem even though she's just 13, she likes to send racist messages to me and Kenneth on MSN. Her sister spends her time on searching lame video and she spends her time on keep sending racist comments. Apparently, both of them should send to hell!

Harry is a guy with high views on himself, thinking that he's better than anyone of us while actually he's more dumber than us. He likes to bullshit which always get caught by me, what a fail "BS King"... Actually all three of them should perform a threesome, since they had the same attitude =.=

I rather hang out with William, the weirdo, also dont want them!


Anonymous said...

All I can say them is, DOUCHEBAGS! I don't really know them in real life but only in cyber life. Quite pity you. If they keep kacau me like this, I confirm F*CK them up gao gao lat! Nina like nothing to do one, nothing to say still want to post stupid stuffs and comment. Harry no idea, just low common senses. Nina's sister, not sure but since she can made you irritated, that's mean she worth a fist from me.

Remember, the younger generations of us is more childish then kids. With low common senses. No offenses but it's the truth. Can be be see in our school!

Deric Adrian said...

That's why i already blocked them on MSN, FaceBook still havent though.

Nina= lame
Christina= racist
Harry= low common sense and bullshit alot

Still wanna date us, pui! Go out with pig also better than them.