The first nightmare of the year has just disappeared today, due to the examination was not that important, so i didnt take it seriously, there's no point to fight for "A" for each subjects either.
The first day we had BM, SJ, PM and SC papers. Out of all these papers, BM was the easiest one, excluding the Bina Ayat, which four of the words i couldnt understand what's the meaning. However, i simply answered the questions for SJ paper since i knew i wont pass anyway. PM? I'll never answered bullshit questions with bullshit answers. SC was a little easy, though, just i didnt read only >.<
The next day we had BI and BC papers, but since i didnt take BC, so that day i only took BI, which was very boring because they arranged the BI examination on the last two periods. The questions for the paper was quite easy, just need to understand what's the story trying tell us. If you couldnt understand it, better go to hell...
We had EKO, ACC, SP and MATH papers on the last day, which is today. I dont really care about those subjects anyway, so i just tried my best to answer as much questions as i can, except for SP, which i directly gave up.
This was just the first nightmare only, more to come!
Today examination is like a hell. I don't even wanted to do the Acc and Sp. This March not really important, Mid Year and SPM DAMN IMPORTANT then this! XD
Same thing happened to me, i dont really care abt the mid year or whatever exam anyway. SPM is our main target, 1 A is enough to me XD
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