After learning that the price of the most popular console, Xbox 360, is not really that expensive, made me and my brothers wanted to buy it. The price is RM1399, so in order to be fair, my two brothers will donate 500 ringgit each, while i'll donate 400 ringgit as im still young XD

If you ask me "Why dont you just sell the old Xbox?" Well, we decided to keep it no matter what since it already became an "antique" console that not many people have it. Besides, some of the games from the old Xbox unable to support the 360, so kinda of waste, and i probably will miss all my songs that i uploaded :C
Anyway, there are only two ways for me to earn 400 ringgit or more; save it from my monthly "salary" or find a job. I think the "save" method will take me forever since im a shopaholic, even though i dont want to shop, sure got more stuffs to buy for school. Finding a job also another problem to me, there's no enough time >.< O God! What should i do now??
Beside the console, i also need to save money for another controller as they only free you one, unlike the old Xbox -_- But my target is to get all four of them like i did to the old one.
I think you really should saved up more and buy only the thing that you must. But of course when it's time to eat then you should eat too. LoL!
Now work very hard to find. i also hope to find one. Yea, the controllers is another problem. I want to buy a PS2 or Xbox lagi worst, my parent definitely won't let me. I think I should wait until I have a job! Haha!
Im trying that way, i almost own RM100 actually for now, but since Pai Kai said everyone needs to pay RM25 for the BD present, i was like "wtf?"
I can hold my "shopaholic disease" for temporily. The problem was at those ppl like Pai Kai... who always get on my way -_-
Then somemore, we still havent bought the work books for school yet, such as, Science & Sp...
Yea, so much to pay. Why must give predsent one, but I just gave RM20 only. I don't really mind they want to give me or not, as long you say:"Happy Birthday" to me, I'm glad enough! But doon't know what the hell they will buy for you. But why they want you , Jing Guan, Hong to pay since it's you all bday wo? SO WEIRD!
That's why la, they dont even know what i like and dislike, still wanna buy -_-
He said my RM25 is the present money for Jing and Hong. However, Hong's and Jing's are for mine. Kinda of stupid...
Just a simple wish/card/a packet of Chipster is enough to me, but i prefer card more la, so i can cherish it into my "Memory Box".
I see. If they say pay for my bday present don't give ah. I don't expect any presents from you. Ada wishes sudah cukup. Go CC play also can! XD Or you and I go watch Toy Story 3 in 3D XD
Pai Kai one day called me asked about what you like, but I didn't say so. Let's see what the hell will they buy for you. Hmmn.
LOL! It's very simple to buy me a present, depends on how much you got.
~Less than 10, you can buy me a junk food/card XD
~More than 10 but less than 50, you can buy me a novel, that's all
If you're really that rich, then buy me a Xbox 360 XDD
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