Monday, March 8, 2010

Breakfast Sale

*just a gender reminder, im not going to post the CNY events anymore, because i realised that there was nothing interesting to tell either, just freaking boring and the events usually were just a repeat, thnx

Breakfast Sale was our first foods selling activity so far, which might also the last business activity for us too, the Father's Day project was not counted since those foods were not prepared by us, lol! The purpose for this activity is too raise fund for our third and last camp that may happen on somewhere April, hopefully they'll remain the same old traditional, 3 days 2 nights, because i'll never enjoyed any religion related camp -_-

Before the week, teacher Sandra had already divided the jobs to each of us, all of us will bring/prepare/cook different type of things, of course, most of us were in group of 2 or 3. Well, i took in charge of the eggs along with Kevin and Defannie, we must prepare 125 boiled eggs, not really a big deal actually, in fact, it was an easy job to do. Mark, who originally in charge of 50 donuts, but due to "tak larat", he decided to make his homemade pancake instead, lol!

So, as i was the fifth student arrived at the church at around 7 a.m., i immediately cut the eggs into half for the nasi lemak. Sandra said if we did something wrong, she'll punch us with a plastic bottle
(just a joke), i replied to her "then i'll use this knife to defend myself" everyone was like "Yeah! Nice One Deric!" Lol, quite funny.

The others were scooping the rice to the containers while im cutting the eggs. After what i saw what they did, my mind kept telling me that "dont you ever buy the nasi lemak" because some of them look so disgusting to me, im not trying to be mean but that was true XD

It only took us a couple of hours to finished packing the nasi lemak and fried rice which came later. After that, we had nothing to do but wait until the prayer is over, made us felt so boring. We borrowed Blight's I-phone and play some mini games, some of them are fun, some of them are lame and some of them are quite ok. Since Kenneth
(the other Kenneth)
was here too, i asked him some several Xbox 360 questions, he bought it for RM14++ two years ago, seems like they had decreased the price.

I eventually wanted to go home somehow later, getting tired and sleepy though, but by the time i had made my decision to go home, the prayer was over already, so it's time to work -_- I overtake the drinks section with Defannie, Daniel, Caroline, Sherrie, Christine and Mark, it was kinda of disaster since there were too many of us in one section and there were only three drinks; milo, punch and coffee.

The coffee was the first one sold out, which lured a stupid old man came and scolded us. He said "Why the coffee sold out? If that so, why cant you guys run down to the 7-eleven and buy more? Standing there laughing and chatting only blah blah blah" We cant do anything but smile to him since we're in the Church, we must have a Christian behaviour, otherwise Sandra sure will kill us.

So after that old man left, all of us scolded him silently, Caroline said the F word while filling the drink, we were like "WOW 0_O" and clapped hands to her XD It just a while until the whole things that we prepared were sold out, first time in the history too. We are the first breakfast sale members that sold everything out, proving that we are too sociable

Half of us were counting the money after that, in the end, we earned more than 1000 ringgit for our next camp, lol! I wish those money are mine, sigh~~ After we packed and cleaned up everything, some of the boys including me went to help the Bazaar Sale to carry all the goods back to the store. We got a kiddo reward from Sandra, an ice-cream XDD

In my opinion, the church project are 10 times more fun than the school project.


Anonymous said...

LoL! Good time in church! Why I felt like I'm the only boy doesn't really know how to cook? XD, if having some activities with friends, I want everyone together have fun but not all do their own things.

Deric Adrian said...

LOL! Actually i only knw how to cook those basic foods like egg, fried rice or noodles XD

Fun but i cant wait to graduate, lol! two months left.