Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fifth Day Of Holidays - Final Reunion

Friday was the final reunion for me and my cousins and also the final day which i had fun for these holidays. Again, i went to my grandmother's house at the same time where i saw Vanessa was chatting with her friend on msn with Esther as i passed by the office room, i dont know why she suddenly addicted to the Internet, she used to complain much whenever someone is using the PC.

I ascended to the second floor right after i handed out some stuff to my grandmother in the kitchen, as i expected, Gavin and Gerald were playing Xbox, Halo 2. I joined them later in the game with Esther, making us up to four players, the other kids including Vanessa also sat aside and watching us playing for entertainment.

Due to this game wasnt suitable for much kids in the room, we changed it to Kung Fu Chaos after a match on Halo 2. We let the girls compete each other as the result was so freaking funny! Most of the challenges were quite boring since they were not very good in activating their special power, so they only know the basic move. But i got to admit, that was the first time i saw Valerie and Vereena addicted to this game, lol! By the end of the day, Vanessa won the championship award as i expected.

We played Crash Nitro Kart with the same old rule, girls fight! This game wasnt really that funny for letting them play since the only true players were Esther and Vanessa (although sometimes she did end up last) , the other two look like they were competing each other who will fall or run off the map or maybe wrong turn more than racing kart, lol! Well, we couldnt blame them for the stupidly since they were still young.

After the boring race, we played ObsCure 2. Everyone was like watching a horror movie while either me or Vanessa and Gavin were playing the game, bustling discuss with each other who will die next. Gerald really annoy me on this game, keep asking me some several silly questions which only the designer/director/writer of the game knew the answer; why the monster (Kenny's transformation) looks much more bigger each time we encountered him? Why he commited suicide? (Correy) Why her stomach exploded? (Amy) Why this why that...? URGH!
We finished the game in less than four hours, resulting the game was really short. Vanessa they all went back home in the mean time, we took a group photo before they set off, why we acted like we'll never had a chance to meet each other again? Anyway, i was too tired and decided to sleep on the sofa on the second floor while the remaining three people were play Bike Racing game, PS2.

By the time i woke up, they were playing Crash Nitro Kart for the PS2 version due to the laziness to change the console up and down. I had my dinner with them before heading home, everyone looks like dying of tiredness and a little upset though...


Anonymous said...

Fun with cousins eh? I only have 3 small cousins left to play. Others were like, who are you?

Many have change too. LoL! Even your grandma maid got photo! XD Hope we meet again! The 3 siblings!

Deric Adrian said...

LOL! All of my cousins are very closed no matter they're older or younger, but muz depends on situation.

My grandma's maid is a fren of mine, hehe. I nvr treat her as a maid.

Anonymous said...

I see. Haha! Lucky to have close friends cousins unlike mine. All grow up and go on their path. I sure hope my little cousins will not do the same mistake.